P. 19

mauve, golden, copper, mahogany and red.  The mixture of these nine
                   basic shades and seven tones can produce over seventy colours in the
                   Caucasian natural hair colour.  Asian hair however only has natural hair
                   colour range of one (off black). (Fig 15.)

                   Human Hair Keratinisation.

                   Keratinisation of the human hair structure and its relevance to how it
                   effects hair colour is most important, keep it foremost in your mind if you
                   are about to colour hair.

                   What is Keratinisation?  As hair grows out of the scalp, the hair is soft for
                   about six to eight weeks, and then the atmosphere begins to harden all the

                   The easiest way to actually see Keratinisation is to look at your finger
                   nails, the white half moon cuticle is soft new nail that has not yet been
                   Keratinised, whereas, the rest of the nail has hardened through
                   Keratinisation.  Also, as our skin cells come to the surface they harden
                   through Keratinisation, and then flake off into the atmosphere.

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