Page 12 - Faking the original Spare
P. 12

I begin by investigating the dimensions.

    The floor plan shows the whole of the first floor. The measurements prove
    the photograph is not possible. I have put Initials where Andrew, Giuffre and

    Maxwell were alleged to have been standing. I have also entered Epstein’s

    alleged position to take the photograph. (Please see First Floor Fig. 3.)

    The width of the front first floor bedroom is 16 feet 9 inches, less the width

    of the bathroom is 8 feet 2 inches. Equals the landing is 8 feet 7 inches wide

    less the staircase 3 feet wide. Equals the area in front of the bedroom door is
    5 feet 7 inches wide.

    A standard door frame is 2 feet 9 inches wide by 6 feet 3 inches tall. From the
    edge of the bedroom wall to the far side of the door frame is 3 feet 9 inches.

    Andrew and Giuffre with her elbow outstretched creating a 6 inch gap

    between herself and Maxwell.  It is not possible all three next to each other
    would only equal a space of less than 3 feet in width.
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