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During the regimen of durgue: the former bedside and community health nursing training
was changed to comprehensive nursing. An additional higher health professional training
institution was also established in 1983 In Jimma.
In 1993 the first post-graduate BSc nursing degree opened at Jimma institution of health
After the overthrown of Durgue: the transitional government of Ethiopia developed a
health policy that emphasizes health promotion, disease prevention, curative, and
rehabilitative health service with priority given to the rural societies. As a result training of
Public health nursing students with diploma level was given since 1995.
1.2 Nursing Processes
The Nursing Process is a method of organizing through the process for clinical decision
making and problem-solving. Using the nursing process, the nurse can focus on the
unique responses of the patient to actual or positional health problems.
Characteristics of the nursing process
Based on scientific problem solving
There are five steps, or phases, in the nursing process: assessment, diagnosis, planning,
implementation, and evaluation. These steps are not distinct; rather, they overlap and
build on each other. To carry out the entire nursing process, you must be sure to complete
each step accurately and then build upon the information in that step to complete the next
Nursing Assessment
The first step, or phase, of the nursing process is assessment. During this phase, you are
collecting data (factual information) from several sources. The collection and
organization of these data allow you to:
Determine the patient’s current health status.
Determine the patient’s strengths and problem areas (both actual and potential).
Prepare for the second step of the process—diagnosis.
Subjective Data
What the patient tells you
The history, from chief complaint through Review of Systems