Page 19 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 19

                       Objectives: At the end of this unit the trainees will be able to:
                   1.  Define infection prevention
                   2.  List components of infection prevention
                   3.  Apply principles of  infection prevention
                   4.  Demonstrate different infection prevention methods
                   5.  Apply standard precaution on IPC
                   6.  Process reusable medical equipment appropriately

                       Definition- Is placing barriers between a susceptible host (person lacking effective
                       natural or acquired protection) and the microorganism

                       2.1 Hand Hygiene
                       Definition: Hand hygiene is a general term referring to any action of hand cleansing. It
                       includes care of hands, nails, and skin.
                       Hand hygiene can be accomplished by:
                       Hand washing
                       Hand antisepsis
                       Antiseptic hand rub
                       Surgical scrub plain

                       2.2 Handwashing
                       Definition: Hand washing is the process of mechanically removing soil and debris from
                       the skin of hands using plain soap and water.

                       Reduce the number of resident and transient microorganisms on the hands
                       Prevent the transfer of microorganisms from health care personnel to the client

                     Immediately after arriving and leaving work (the health facility)
                     Before and after any direct patient contact and between patients, whether or not gloves
                       are worn.
                     After exposure to mucous membranes, blood, body fluids, secretions, or excretions
                     Before putting on gloves and after removing them
                     Whenever our hands become visibly soiled
                     After blowing the nose or covering a sneeze
                     Before eating or serving food
                     After visiting the toilet
                     Before handling an invasive device.

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