Page 24 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 24

2.5 Drying the Hands and Arms
                        The scrubbed person inter the surgical suit immediately holding the hands above the
                       After scrubbing, the hands and the arms should be thoroughly dried before the sterile
                       gown is donned to prevent contamination of the gown by strike-through of organisms
                       from wet skin.
                       The sterile gown, in the package, is folded before sterilization with the inside out so that
                       the bare scrubbed hands will not contaminate the sterile outside of the gown. A reusable
                       or disposable
                   1.  Pick up a sterile towel from the open package put on the table, being careful not to drip
                       water on the gown beneath it
                   2.  Use one end of the full-length opened towel only to dry one hand. Use a blotting motion
                       as you dry.
                   3.  Rotate the arm as you proceed to dry it, working from wrist to elbow. Do not allow the
                       towel to contact the scrub suite
                   4.  Once the arm is dried, bring the dry hand to the opposite end of the towel and begin
                       drying the other hand
                   5.  Dry the hand and arm using the blotting rotating motion
                   6.  Proceed to the elbow. Discard the towel into its proper place towel for drying the hands
                       are placed on top of the gown during packaging.

                       2.6 Donning and removing Personal protective equipment
                       Definition: are those that PPE provide physical barrier/ protection of healthcare
                       providers and patients/clients from microorganisms.
                       PPE includes gloves, masks/respirators, eyewear (face shields, goggles), caps, gowns,
                       aprons, boots, and other items.
                       The most effective barriers are made of synthetic materials that do not allow water or
                       other liquids to penetrate them.
                       2.6.1 Donning and removing gloves
                     To reduce the risk of staff acquiring infections from patients
                     To prevent staff from transmitting their skin flora to patients
                     To reduce contamination of the hands of staff by microorganisms that can be transmitted
                       from one patient to another (cross-contamination)
                     There is a reasonable chance of hand contact with blood or other body fluids, mucous
                       membranes, or non-intact skin,
                     Performing an invasive medical procedure,

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