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                       Tadesse Wuletaw, Nurse, BSc/HO/, MSc in Nutrition, Debre Tabor health Science

                       College, Department of nursing Debre Tabor Ethiopia
                       Abaynew Honelgn, Nurse, BSc/HO/, BSc in emergency and critical care nursing, Debre

                       Tabor health science college Department of nursing Debre Tabor Ethiopia

                       Bantayehu Dejen, BSc in nursing MSc in Behavioral science, Debre Tabor  health
                       science college Department of nursing Debre Tabor Ethiopia

                       Wondimu Girma, Nurse, BSc/HO/, Mph in health informatics, Debre Tabor health

                       science college Department of nursing Debre Tabor Ethiopia.

                       ©2020: By Tadesse Wuletaw(Author)

                       All rights reserved

                       This material is intended for educational use only by practicing institute.

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