Page 6 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 6
HPI- History of Previous Illness
HS- At bedtime (hours of sleep)
IPC-Infection prevention and control
IQ- Intelligence Quotient
IV- Intravenous
K- Potassium
KI- Potassium Iodine
LLQ- Left Lower Quadrant
LP- Lumbar Puncture
M- Male
N2O- Nitrous Oxide
Nacl- Sodium Chloride
NAD- No Abnormalities Detected
NOCTE-At night
NPO- Nothing by Mouth (Nothing per Os)
OD- Right eye (Oculo Dexter)
OPD- Out Patient Department
OR- Operating Room
OS- Left eye (Oculo Sinister)
OU- Both eyes (Oculo Utres)
OZ- Ounce
PC- After meals (post cibum)
PE- Physical Examination
PPE-personal protective equipment
PM- Afternoon
PO- Per os, by mouth
PR- Per Rectum
PRN- As needed, when necessary
Pt- Patient
PV- Per Vagina
Q- Every
QD- Every Day
QH- Every Hour
QID-Four times a day (quarter In Day)
QN- Every Night
QOD-Every Other Day
RBC- Red Blood Cells
Rh- Rhesus factor