Page 5 - Jurek 2018. - Gimnazija dr. Ivana Kranjčeva Đurđevac
P. 5

poslovnog  dijela,  imali  smo  slobodno.  Svi
             smo  otišli  u  ogroman  trgovački  centar,
             ručali  i  provodili  zadnje  sate  s  domaćinima.
             Navečer smo u hotelu imali party na kojem
             se pjevalo, plesalo, plakalo, govorile se zadnje
             riječi  i  pozdravi…  Svi  smo bili  tužni  zato što
             smo  postali  svjesni  koliko  smo  se  zbližili
             i  kako  je  tjedan  brzo  prošao.  Rumunji  su
             zabavni,  smiješni  i  komunikativni  ljudi  i  to
             mi se jako sviđa. I dalje smo svi u kontaktu i
             najradije bismo opet bili skupa. Smatram da
             je  ovo  jedno  odlično  iskustvo  i  zahvaljujem
             nastavnicima što su nam ga omogućili. Hvala
             im  velika!  Upoznavati  nove  ljude,  stvarati
             nove kontakte, putovati, učiti druge jezike …
             Noapte  buna!  Buna  dimineata!    Laku  noć!
             Dobro jutro!
             Umorni  i  zadovoljni,  pozdravili  smo  se  na
             rastanku pred našom gimnazijom u subotu,
             kad smo se, ipak, vratili.
                                 Ena Halaček, 1.b

                         Imagine                           Imagine                            Imagine
                        I am a dreamer                     I am strong.                   I see under the surface
              I wish everything was perfect but nothing     I am weak.                  I hear more than just words
                          really is
                                                           I feel scared.           I feel your thoughts, dreams and hopes
                   I hear things that frighten me
                                                           I feel happy.               But pretend I'm only your friend
               I see people giving their best and failing
                                                          It is hard to live.
             I worry my life is not going to be as I planned
                             it                        It is hard to be satisfied.        Life is more than today
                                                       Nothing is ever enough.           The world is a bigger place
                   I feel like I'm trying too hard
                                                     College is around the corner.    People can see, but no one can say
                  Too hard to be someone I'm not
               Trying to impress everyone but myself   I don't know who I wanna be.   Who knows what our future holds?
                                                        New city, new people.
                          Life sucks            Distance between our home, away from our   I want more than these words
                   It always did and it always will                                       This song is only for you
                                                        Where do I wanna go?
                 Imagine being a different person                                         I hope all day and night
                                                        I wanna live and travel.
                      Living a different life                                           For my dreams to come true
                                                     Lets see everything together.
                      Would it be better?
                                                         Run away with me.
                     Would we be happier?                                                      Imagine…
                                                      The world is waiting for us.
                 If the world gave us different cards                                                 Lara Horvat, 4.a
                                                        Imagine a perfect life.
             I am happy with mine but I feel I still need to
                     learn how to play them             Imagine your heaven.
                                                       What are you waiting for?
                        I want to learn                Run and dream with me.                  Imagine
                                                                  Lana Rončević, 4.b
                         Really bad                                                  I worry that time is passing too quickly

             Maybe sometimes we just need to relax and
                      let the world decide                                          As the future unravels itself I will get lost
                                                                                     Caught up in my problems, lost in my
              But are we living our life then or the world
                            is?                                                                thoughts
                    I guess we'll never know.                                           Scared of what’s coming next
                                                                                         Not living life to the fullest
                       Imagine we did!
                                Ena Rončević, 3.a                                         I won’t know what to do
                                                                                      My fears will be greater than ever
                                                                                     But everything happens for a reason
                                                                                    Maybe I have to lose myself completely
                                                                                      To actually discover who I truly am
                                                                                                     Tina Ferenčić, 1.b

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