Page 13 - The Barefoot Guide Catalogue (2018)
P. 13

ENVIRONMENTAL  ALWAYS SWIM WITH             pantry of Caroline’s House. We truly     THESE ITEMS
       A BUDDY
                                             appreciate your continued generosity
       Although Emerald Isle is blessed with wide,
                                             and thank you for your support
                                             of this worthwhile cause. For more
       sandy beaches and warm ocean waters, care
       should always be exercised when playing or
       swimming in the water. The “buddy system”   information on The Sonder Project visit   ARE RECYCLABLE:
                                                                                      Glass:  glass bottles and jars
       should always be used and children should                                      Plastic:  plastic bottles, jugs and
       not be left unattended. For emergency water   EASY STEPS TO                          containers and caps
       rescue call 911 and the town emergency   MAKE YOUR STAY MORE
       response personnel will be on the scene as   ECO-FRIENDLY                      Metal:  steel, tin and aluminum cans
       quickly as possible.                  Shorten your time in the shower.         Paper:   bags, junk mail, office paper,
                                                                                            magazines and newspapers
              CHARITY                        Shut off the water while brushing        Cardboard: flattened boxes, cardboard
              FOOD DROP                      your teeth.                                    and cereal boxes
              Don’t let that extra food go to   When you leave a room, turn off the lights,   Cartons: cardboard, juice and
              waste! Emerald Isle Realty is   TVs and any other electrical appliances.       dairy containers
       proud to partner with The Sonder Project,   Make sure all windows and doors are
       a global non-profit organization fighting   closed if either the AC or the heat is on.   THESE ITEMS
       hunger around the world. When your    Thermostats should be set at 78° in the   ARE NOT RECYCLABLE:
       vacation is over, please bring all unopened,   summer and 68° in the winter.
       non-perishable food items to our office                                        Household trash
       and place them in the baskets located in   Use the glass and flatware provided in your   Plastic Bags
       our lobby. Emerald Isle Realty is proud to   home instead of disposable paper and   Foods & Liquids
       support Caroline’s House, the domestic   plastic products.                     Clothing
       violence “safe house” sponsored by Carteret   Please dispose of your trash properly.  Styrofoam
       County. Last year your donations of food
       and beverages totaled more than 3,000   Please recycle. A recycling bin is provided for   Ceramics and Dishware
       pounds of groceries that went into the   each vacation home.

                                                 INTERNET Access

 THE GREEN TRAVELER  COASTAL CARE TIPS   conditions, foot and vehicular traffic kill dune
 It is more important than ever for travelers   TO PROTECT OUR DUNES   plants, thereby causing the dune to become
 to minimize their environmental footprint   Walk along the beaches of Bogue Banks and   unstable and vulnerable to being washed   You will be plugging your PC or laptop into a cable/DSL modem.
 on earth. Taking an environmentally friendly   you will find one of the highest and most   away by storms and high tides.  Or, you may find a wireless router that you will either connect to wirelessly or connect to with your Ethernet cable.
 approach to travel is a simple and necessary   extensive naturally occurring dune systems
 way to preserve the places you love to   in all of North Carolina. The stabilized dune   What can you do to preserve our dunes?
 visit. In addition, it often makes for a more   system you see actually acts as a flexible   Here are four easy tips to keep in mind while   IF YOUR VACATION HOME HAS   IF YOUR VACATION HOME HAS
 gratifying, authentic travel experience,   barrier to ocean storm surges and waves,   enjoying the beach:    A CABLE MODEM:  A WIRELESS/WIRED ROUTER:
 encouraging more meaningful connections   protecting and preserving the thick forest      1.   Find the cable/DSL modem located in the office, kitchen   1.   If you’re using a laptop with Windows or Mac OS it should “see”
 with the people and places you and your   cover and dune ridges positioned in the   1.  Look for Signs – Signs show you the best    counter or near the main TV.  the wireless signal as soon as you turn it on.
 family visit.   interior portion of the island. Climbing on     way to the beach and remind us to stay off
 dunes, removing dune vegetation, allowing     the dunes.  2.  Make sure your PC/laptop is connected to the    2.  Your computer screen will alert you (Windows on the bottom right,
 Following these recommendations will help   pets on dunes and similar activities are   2. Respect the Fences – Fences protect dune    cable modem with an Ethernet cable.  Mac OS in the center) to any available wireless networks.
 protect Emerald Isle’s natural beauty, while   unlawful and will result in a civil violation and     plants and collect blowing sand for dune    3.  Turn off your PC/laptop.  3.  Click on the network you would like to connect to, and try to
 minimizing the environmental impact you   a $100 fine. Residents and homeowners have     growth. Keep to your side of the fence to    4.  Pull the power plug out of the back of the cable modem.    browse after it has connected.
 have on this earth.  made a concerted effort to establish and     let plants grow.  (All lights should go out.)  4.  If it is asking for a password, look near the router and cable
 stabilize our dunes by using dune grasses   3. Look After the Plants – Feet do kill plants.    5.  Wait 10 seconds, and plug the power cable back into    modem or on your key package below the property directions.
 SEA OATS ARE   and sand fencing to stimulate new dune     Please exercise caution and educate    the cable modem.
 BEAUTIFUL, BUT PLEASE   growth. Because sands are readily moved     children to stay off the dunes and play on    6.  The lights should start to come back on. Make sure the   If you can’t connect to the wireless or can’t browse,
 DON’T PICK THEM   by wind and water action, dune plants     the beach.  ONLINE light is on and stays on.  call Emerald Isle Realty at 252-354-2690.
 Sea oats are a beautiful and important part   provide a tremendous tool for stabilization
 of the environment at Emerald Isle. Their   by permitting dunes to build up, protecting   4. Look After the Dunes – Sandy beaches are    7.  Turn the PC/laptop back on, and try to browse.
 roots help anchor our sand dunes and the   land and homes during storms. Dunes also     great places to have fun. Educate all
 plants are protected by law. Please do not   provide a nice habitat for insects, birds,     people to preserve the environment.  If the ONLINE light will not light up or is flashing, or everything   Note: To use the wireless connection, you must either have a wireless
 pick live or dead sea oats.  lizards, turtles and other animals. Although   looks OK but you still can’t browse, call Emerald Isle Realty at   enabled device or a wireless adapter card plugged into the laptop.
 dune plants can handle harsh weather   252-354-2690.           We also offer Wi-Fi in our lobby..                                                                                  11
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