Page 9 - The Barefoot Guide Catalogue (2018)
P. 9

most many air conditioners are able to   IT’S TIME TO COOK OUT...          of ants, water bugs and sand fleas. In the
                                             WHAT SHOULD WE
                                                                                  case of a serious problem, we will schedule
       perform in our humidity is at a 15-degree
                                             KNOW ABOUT OUTDOOR
                                                                                  an exterminator. Until he arrives, thorough
       differential between the exterior and interior
 h in ts  temperature. Therefore, on a 95-degree July   GRILLING?                 vacuuming, insect repellent and spray will
       day, the air conditioner will be operating
                                                                                  help. Our office will reimburse you for the
                                             North Carolina law prohibits grilling on the
                                             decks and balconies of condominiums.
       at full capacity if your interior temperature
                                                                                  expense of the repellent and spray when you
       reads 80 degrees. Lowering the thermostat
                                             areas on the grounds. Town ordinances ban
       to 70 degrees WILL NOT lower the interior   Many of the condominiums provide grilling   bring in the receipt.
       temperature to 70 degrees, but it may cause   grilling on any wooden structure attached   WE’RE HIGH SCHOOL KIDS,
       the unit to “ice up” and malfunction. Please   to the house including decks, porches and   AND WE LOVE TO PARTY!
       keep all windows and doors closed for   walkways. It is strongly recommended that   Then you’ve come to the wrong beach, kids!
       maximum energy efficiency. If possible, close   any grilling at cottages and duplexes be   No teen house parties are allowed. Emerald
       blinds or drapes during the heat of the day   done as far from the building as possible in   Isle Realty will not rent to fraternities, school
       to keep the solar energy outside! Remember,   a well-ventilated area. Our strong prevailing   or civic groups, or other non-family groups,
       if you have just checked in, you may have   winds can make grilling anywhere somewhat   even if chaperoned by adults. We reserve
       been opening and closing the entry doors   risky. Please be aware of wind conditions.   the right to terminate or reject rental if
       while unloading the car, and the departing   Many of our cottages and duplexes have   reservation is booked under false pretenses.
       family did the same a few hours earlier!   chosen to provide gas grills or permanent   Emerald Isle Realty requires the minimum
       Please give the home overnight to cool down   grill areas. If a grill is provided by the owner,   for a rental guest to enter into our Vacation
       before calling us.                    please allow up to 24 hours to replace an   Rental Agreement is 21 years of age. Alcohol
                                             empty gas bottle. Grill rentals are available   abuse and underage drinking will not be
       I’M IN A GATED                        by calling Island Essentials at 252-354-8887.   tolerated on the island. People who abuse
       NEIGHBORHOOD AND                      We are unable to give refunds due to gas   alcohol and/or partake in underage drinking
       MY HOUSEGUESTS                        grills not working.                  may face criminal charges. The Emerald Isle
       CAN’T GET IN!                                                              Police will be notified of any parties, and
       For instructions on opening the gate for   HAVE YOU BEEN INVADED           guests will face expedited eviction.
       visitors, please refer to your key packet.   BY SOME SMALL,
       If your condo or cottage has a security   UNINVITED “GUESTS”?              EMERALD ISLE REALTY, INC. IS CONDUCTING BUSINESS UNDER
       gate with a telephone and unit directory   Pest Control Problems: Emerald Isle has an   THE  VACATION  RENTAL  ACT  (N.C.  GENERAL  STATUTES  SECTION
                                                                                  42 A-1) FOR ALL VACATION RENTAL AGREEMENTS. EMERALD ISLE
       (sometimes accessed by a gate card), your   abundance of wildlife due to the ecology   REALTY ACTS AS AGENT ON BEHALF OF THE HOME OWNER FOR
       guests may call you in your condo using the   of our maritime area. Unfortunately, this   VACATION RENTAL PROPERTIES
       code posted at the gate.              also means we have a large population

                                  TV CHANNELS  and  CABLE TV GUIDE

        2  WGN                      29  Turner Classic Movies   45  Disney                   61  Nickelodeon
        4  WEPX                     30 OWN                      46  MSNBC                    62  Cartoon Network
 I’M ON VACATION,     access or cable, but we do guarantee all   in refrigerator on check-in day before    7  WITN - NBC  31  WE  47  CNN  63  National Geographic
 SO WHO DO I CALL    repairs will be made as soon as possible.   reporting a refrigerator problem. Icemakers    8  WFXI - FOX  32  CMT  48  CNBC  64  Fox News
 FOR REPAIRS?  We are unable to give refunds due to their   in refrigerators can’t make ice if the    9  WNCT - CBS  33  SyFy  49  Headline News  65  Nick Jr.
 Emerald Isle Realty has our own excellent,   failure. Our number one goal is for you and   refrigerator/freezer door is opened too often.   10   Local Access Programming 34  Animal Planet  50 The Weather Channel  67  Fox Sports
 in-house Maintenance Department,   your family to have a peaceful, relaxing   We are unable to give refunds due to failed   12  WCTI - ABC  35  HGTV  51  ESPN  68 E! Entertainment
 and throughout the year we schedule   vacation, so every problem–big or small–will   appliances.
 maintenance and repairs on a priority   be taken seriously by our maintenance staff.  13  WUNC - PBS   36  Food Network  52  BET  69  MTV
 basis. Repairs are occasionally necessary   WE THINK IT’S HOT IN   14  News 14 Carolina  37  Lifetime Movie Network  53  MTV  70  Comedy Central
 as appliances and air conditioners can fail   WHEN THE REFRIGERATOR   HERE – SHOULD WE   15  TNT  38  Lifetime  54  VH1  71  History Channel
 at inconvenient times. Before reporting   SEEMS WARM   REPORT A BROKEN AIR   16  TBS   39  USA  55  Spike TV  72  Golf Channel
 appliance or air conditioner problems, check   Automatic-defrosting refrigerators will not   CONDITIONER?   17  Discovery Channel  40 Freeform  56  ESPN-2  73  Fox Sports Carolinas
 for obvious reasons of failure. If you have   work properly when turned to maximum   Often with air conditioners, the cause   22  Univision   41  truTV  57  Arts & Entertainment  75  Investigation Discovery
 a maintenance concern, you may call our   cool. Keep dials set midway in both   of failure is a tripped breaker. Before
 office at 252-354-2690. We cannot guarantee   refrigerator and freezer compartments.   reporting trouble, we’d greatly appreciate   24  Discovery Life  42  Hallmark Channel  58  The Learning Channel  78  Oxygen
 swimming pools, air conditioners, appliances,   NOTE: allow refrigerator ample recovery   if you would check the breakers located   26  NBC Sports Network  43  TBN  59  FX  87  Shop LC
 home theatre systems, TVs, DVDs, Internet   time (12-24 hours) after placing food   in the main inside breaker panel. The   28  C-SPAN  44  Bravo  60 AMC                                                                                   7
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