Page 7 - The Barefoot Guide Catalogue (2018)
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used at the pool and to be re-admitted from   equipment, including shade tents, canopies,   standards have not been met, call us
       the beach. If lost, you will be responsible   volleyball nets and other equipment, to be   during normal business hours, and we will
 YOUR  gate cards or swim pins. We apologize for   All unattended items left on the beach   30 minutes. For after hours emergency
                                                                                  have someone at your property within
       for the replacement cost of the passes,
                                             removed from the beach strand each night.
                                             between 7:00 PM and 8:00 AM are now
       the inconvenience, but these items are
                                                                                  housekeeping, you may call 252-354-5077
       necessary to keep the condominium areas
                                             illegal and will be confiscated and removed
                                                                                  prior to 9:00 PM (Friday, Saturday and
                                             be stored near or on the dunes.
                                                                                  office the next morning.
 worries  secure for our guests.             by Town staff. Personal possessions may not   Sunday only). After 9:00 PM, please call our
                                                                                  SOMETHING YOU NEED
                                             THE DANGERS
 VACATION  You can surf at the beach in more ways   OF DIGGING HOLES              FOR YOUR VACATION HOME?
                                                                                  We’ve tried to prepare everything just right
       than one! The majority of our homes
                                             Think twice before digging a hole on the
                                                                                  for your arrival, but if your vacation home
                                             beach. It is unlawful to dig a hole deeper
       provide complimentary wireless Internet
       access. You can surf the web while relaxing
                                                                                  needs additional pots and pans, coffee
                                             than 12 inches without completely filling
       by the beach, sitting on your deck or in
       the comfort of your vacation home. (See   such depression before departing the beach.   pot, toaster, blender, light bulbs, A/C filters,
                                             Deep holes may cave in, bury and suffocate
                                                                                  mattress pads, pillows or bedspreads,
       page 11 for access help.) We also offer   children and even adults. They're also a major   please call or stop by our Housekeeping
       complimentary WiFi connection in our lobby.  hazard for emergency vehicles driving on the   Department, located downstairs at our
                                             beach since they are extremely difficult to   office, and we will be happy to assist you.
       CONCIERGE SERVICES                    see. In addition, holes of any size can put the
       Our personal concierge services are offered   lives of sea turtles and their hatchlings in   OFF-SEASON & WINTER
       for your convenience to help you with the   danger. Nesting sea turtles have fallen in and  VACATION HOME RENTALS
       little things that add up to making a great   have been trapped in these man-made holes.   Looking for an extended stay at the beach?
       vacation. Available to all of our guests free   Offenders will be fined $100.  We have many properties in our vacation
       of charge, we will...                                                      rental program that are available for monthly
       •  Provide you with information about   WHERE IS SMOKING                   rentals during the winter and spring with
         Emerald Isle and our coastal area.  PERMITTED?                           greatly discounted rates. For availability and
                                             Smoking is not allowed in your vacation home   more information please give us a call at
       •  Give you restaurant and dining
         recommendations.                    or on the decks unless you have selected a   252-354-6149.
                                             beach home that permits it. In order to prevent
       •  Sell tickets to local attractions and events.
                                             accidental fires and continue to keep our   MESSAGES,
       •  Assist you in finding medical care, car care   beaches clean, properly extinguish cigarettes   MAIL, FAX, WI-FI
         and child care.                     in an ashtray or cigarette disposal receptacle.  Telephone messages may be received
       •  Answer questions about area attractions                                 through our office; however, only emergency
         and activities, and give you directions on                               messages will be delivered. Please check
         how to get there!                             Extra Services             our office for pickup. Faxes may be sent
       •  Let you know where to find florists, dry                                and received via our office at 252-354-2355
         cleaning services, drug stores and other local   MAY WE TIDY UP          for a nominal fee per page. Emerald Isle
 While you're here  services you may need while on vacation.  YOUR VACATION HOME?  Realty shall not be held responsible for
       •  Greet you on arrival and make you feel at   If you have a housekeeping concern   messages, faxes, lost/not received mail or
         home while on our beautiful island.  or special request please call our office,   for guest notification. Please enjoy our Wi-Fi
 IT’S LATE AND THERE’S   rolled out to the street for you the day before   TELEPHONES   252-354-5077, immediately upon your arrival.   connection in our lobby.
 A PROBLEM  pickup and rolled back to your vacation   Most of our vacation properties are equipped   THEFT  Housekeeping service is available daily from
 For after-hours maintenance, housekeeping,   home after collection. Guests located on the   with telephones for your convenience. Long   Although theft is rare on the island, always   9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Multiple week rentals: if
 or key lockouts, call 252-354-2690 and leave   soundside of Emerald Drive and Coast Guard   distance service in most vacation homes is   remember to lock all doors and windows   you are one of the fortunate families who are
 a message on our voice mail. Our night duty   Road will have trash collected on Tuesdays   not provided. If your vacation home has a long   when leaving your vacation home, and   able to stay two weeks or longer, please call
 personnel will be paged. Response time   and Thursdays. Guests located on the   distance block, you can still call long distance   secure your vehicles when not in use. In   our Housekeeping Department on Friday or
 averages 30 minutes or less, unless they are   oceanside of Emerald Drive and Coast Guard   by using a calling card or calling the operator   the rare event you need to report a break-  Monday to schedule your mid-stay cleaning.
 detained by a previous call. Simple plumbing   Road, including The Point, will have trash   and using a credit card.  in, please contact the Emerald Isle Police   A few special homes offer a mid-week tidy.
 repairs, A/C or appliance failures must be   collected on Mondays and Fridays. Recyclables   Department at 252-354-2021.  Please call to schedule or inquire about
 scheduled between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM   will be collected throughout the entire town   CONDO INFORMATION   this service.
 daily. For linen emergencies call Island   each Wednesday. Condo guests, please use   If you are staying in one of our   UNAT TENDED BEACH
 Essentials at 252-354-8887.  the on-site collection areas for garbage   condominiums, your family or friends will be   EQUIPMENT  HOUSEKEEPING
 and recyclables located in clearly marked   given parking passes or gate cards to gain   In an effort to improve public safety and   GUARANTEE
 RECYCLING AND   dumpster areas. For Indian Beach guests,   admittance through the security gate. Most   aesthetics, and due to sea turtle nesting   We unconditionally guarantee the work
 GARBAGE COLLECTION   garbage pickup is on Thursday or Friday. For   condos have a maximum number of cars   concerns, the Emerald Isle and Indian Beach   of our housekeepers. We have created
 Unless otherwise stated on your key packet,   Pine Knoll Shores guests, garbage pickup is on   allowed due to parking restrictions. Some   Board of Commissioners have adopted an   standards that will assure the cleanliness
 garbage and recycling containers will be   Monday and recyclables every other Monday.  condos require swim pins that must be   ordinance that requires all unattended beach   of your vacation home. If the cleanliness                                                                                   5
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