Page 18 - The Barefoot Guide Catalogue (2018)
P. 18


                                Towns and Special Places

                                    TO VISIT


                                                                                                                                                                          Our Beaches

                                                                                                                                                                                                             •  Close your curtains and blinds in
       Beaufort – Voted America’s Coolest Small   Core Sound Waterfowl Museum & Heritage   NC Coastal Federation – Citizens working   Sea turtles are endangered. They nest on   because of artificial light sources, they are
       Town! It’s the third oldest town in North   Center, Harkers Island – Museum for people   together for a healthy coastal environment.   our beaches here on the Crystal Coast each   often lost in dunes, streets and parking lots.   oceanfront rooms at night so interior light
       Carolina. Stroll waterfront docks, and view   to learn and share about Core Sound history,   See ad page 72.               year. The turtle nesting season runs from   Misdirected away from the ocean, they are   does not shine on the beach.
       sailboats and yachts at anchor. Historic   crafts and heritage. Open daily. Gift shop. | 252-393-8185    May through September and hatchlings   left weakened, dehydrated and vulnerable to   •  Remove recreational equipment, such as
       tours, shopping and restaurants. Wild horses   Free admission. See ad page 71.                                             may emerge anytime from July through   predators and vehicles.              lounge chairs, umbrellas and tents from
       roam the Rachel Carson Estuarine Sanctuary | 252-728-1500  NC Maritime Museum in Historic Beaufort     November. The Loggerhead is the most                                        the beach at night.
       on Carrot Island across from the Beaufort                                  North Carolina maritime history exhibits and    common species found on Emerald Isle,                                      •  Use your natural vision and moonlight
       waterfront.                           Fort Macon State Park, Atlantic Beach   displays. Coastal environment and barrier    but Green turtles, and even an occasional                                   when walking on the beach at night.
                                             Civil War fort is a historic landmark. Free   island ecology. Special workshops and   Leatherback, have laid documented nests.                                  •  If you encounter a turtle on the beach at
       Beaufort Historic Site – Guided tours of   admission.                      programs.                                                                                                                   night, remain quiet, still and at
       authentically restored homes and buildings,   Civil War reenactments on special weekends. | 252-728-7317  These gentle creatures date back 300                              a distance. Human disturbances and
       the Old Burying Ground and Beaufort’s   Picnic area and bath house.                                        million years, making them one of the oldest                                flash photography may prevent her from
       charming historic district. Visit the Mattie   252-726-3775                Outer Banks Wildlife Shelter – Rehabilitation   animals on earth. The future of these reptiles                              nesting successfully.
       King Davis Gallery, located in the historic                                facility cares for injured, sick and orphaned   depends on beach habitat for egg incubation                                •  Leave the tracks left by turtles
       Rustell House, c. 1732, the oldest art gallery   Hammocks Beach State Park – Miles   native wild animals.   and the safety of the hatchlings as they                                undisturbed.
       in Carteret County.                   of unspoiled barrier island beaches and   252-240-1200                               energetically make their trip into the deep,                               •  Obey all signs, and stay out of | 252-728-5225  maritime forests.                                                             blue sea.                                                                   marked areas.
                                             Daily passenger ferry in summer.     The History Place, Morehead City – Historical
       Cape Lookout Lighthouse & National    See schedule page 23.                research library. Carteret County artifacts,    Sadly, the odds are against the survival of                                •  Turtles may mistake trash as food, so
       Seashore – The islands of Cape Lookout | 910-326-4881    Civil War materials and genealogy collections.   these hatchlings. One in 1,000 will live to                                please properly dispose of your garbage.
       stretch 56 miles from Ocracoke to Beaufort                        | 252-247-7533          reach sexual maturity at approximately 20   Through education and the cooperation of
       Inlet. Take a day trip to beautiful remote   Historic Swansboro – Waterfront views,                                        years of age. The natural predatory dangers,   beachgoers, local residents, coastal businesses
       beaches. Watch wild horses and other   quaint downtown filled with boutiques,   Tryon Palace Historic Site & Gardens, New   coupled with human interference, decrease   and all levels of government, we must protect
       wildlife. Great shelling. Be sure to bring water   galleries, shops, antiques and restaurants.   Bern – Colonial Governors’ palace and formal   the survival rate of hatchlings reaching   these ancient mariners who use the beach
       and a picnic lunch for the day. Authorized   See ad page 67.               gardens. | 800-767-1560     adulthood. Artificial illumination on our   habitat we all share.
       passenger ferry service is available from the | 252-326-1174                                    beaches at night disorients them, and as   •  Minimize beachfront lighting during the
       waterfronts at Beaufort and Harkers Island.                                                                                a result, prevents them from reaching the   sea turtle nesting season by turning off, | 252-728-2250                                                                                            ocean. Instinctively, hatchlings are drawn   shielding or redirecting lights away from
                                                                                                                                  toward the lightest, most open horizon, and   the beach.

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