Page 249 - The Midnight Library
P. 249

                   ‘Don’t  worr y  about  me,’  she  said.  ‘I  promise  you.  I  won’t  feel  a  thing.’  And

                then  she  said  what  the  real  Mrs  Elm  had  said  when  she  had  hugged  Nora
                back   at   the   school   librar y   on   the   day   her   dad   had   died.   ‘ ings   will   get
                better, Nora. It’s going to be all right.’
                   Mrs    Elm    placed   a   hand   above   the   desk   and   hastily   rummaged      for

                something.  A  second  later  she  was  handing  Nora  an  orange  plastic  fountain
                pen. e kind Nora had owned at school. e one she had noticed ages ago.
                   ‘You’ll need this.’

                   ‘ is one isn’t already written. You have to start this.’
                   Nora took the pen.
                   ‘Bye, Mrs Elm.’
                   A second later, a massive chunk of ceiling slammed onto the  table. A thick

                cloud of plaster dust clouded them, choking them.
                   ‘Go,’ coughed Mrs Elm. ‘Live.’
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