Page 247 - The Midnight Library
P. 247

                   ‘Why can’t you stop this?’

                   ‘It’s   a   chain   reaction   now.   ose   sparks   aren’t   random.   e   books   are
                going  to  be  destroyed.  And  then,  just  as  inevitably,  the  whole  place  is  going
                to collapse.’
                   ‘Why?  I  don’t  understand.  I  was  there.  I  had  found  the      life   for  me.  e

                only life for me. e best one in here . . .’
                   ‘But   that’s   the   problem,’   said   Mrs   Elm,   ner vously   looking   out   from
                beneath  the  wooden  legs  of  the  table  as  more  shelves  caught  on  fire  and  as
                debris fell all around them. ‘It still wasn’t enough. Look!’

                   ‘At what?’
                   ‘At your watch. Any moment now.’
                   So   Nora   looked,   and   at   first   saw   nothing   untoward   –   but   then   it   was
                happening.     e    watch   was   suddenly    acting   like   a   watch.   e   display   was

                starting to move.

                   ‘What’s  happening?’  Nora  asked,  realising  that  whatever  it  was  probably
                wasn’t good.
                   ‘ Time. at’s what’s happening.’
                   ‘How are we going to leave this place? ’

                   ‘We’re not,’ said Mrs Elm. ‘ ere’s no we. I can’t leave the librar y. When the
                librar y disappears, so do I. But there is a chance  that you can get out, though

                you don’t have long. No more than a minute . . .’
                   Nora  had  just  lost  one  Mrs  Elm,  she  didn’t  want  to  lose  this  one  too.  Mrs
                Elm could see her distress.
                   ‘Listen.  I  am  part  of  the  librar y.  But  this  whole  librar y  is  part  of  you.  Do

                you   understand?     You   don’t   exist   because   of   the   librar y ;   this   librar y   exists
                because    of   you.   Remember    what   Hugo    said?   He   told   you   that   this   is   the
                simplest  way  your  brain  translates  the  strange  and  multifarious  reality  of  the
                universe.    So,   this   is   just   your   brain   translating   something.   Somet hing

                significant and dangerous.’
                   ‘I gathered that.’
                   ‘But one thing is clear : you didn’t want that life.’
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