Page 245 - The Midnight Library
P. 245

                                               Nowhere to Land


                   Unmistakably, it had happened.
                   She was back in the Midnight Librar y.
                   Mrs Elm was at the computer. e lights wobbled and shook and flickered
                overhead in fast arrhythmic blinks. ‘Nora, stop. Calm down. Be  a good girl. I
                need to sort this out.’

                   Dust    fell   in   thin   wisps   from   the   ceiling,   from   cracks   fissuring   and
                spreading  like  spider  webs  woven  at  unnatural  speed.  ere  was  the  sound
                of   sudden,   active   destruction   which,   in   her   sad   fur y,   Nora   found   herself

                managing to ignore.
                   ‘You’re not Mrs Elm. Mrs Elm is dead . . . Am I dead?’
                   ‘We’ve  been  through  this.  But  now  you  mention  it,  maybe  you’re  about  to
                be . . .’
                   ‘Why     aren’t   I   still   there?   Why   aren’t   I   there?   I   could   sense   it   was

                happening  but  I  didn’t  want  it  to.  You  said  that  if  I  found  a  life  I  wanted  to
                live in – that I really wanted to live in – then I’d stay there. You said I’d forget
                about  this  stupid  place.  You  said  I  could  find  the  life  I  wanted.  at  was  the

                life I wanted. at was the life!’
                   Moments  ago  she  had  been  in  the  garden  with  Ash  and  Nora  and  Plato,  a
                garden humming with life and love, and now she was here.
                   ‘ Take me back . . .’
                   ‘You know it doesn’t work like that.’

                   ‘Well,  take  me  to  the  closest  variation.  Give  me  the  closest  possible  thing
                to that life. Please, Mrs Elm, it must be  possible. ere must be  a life  where  I
                went  for  the  coffee  with  Ash  and  where  we  had  Molly  and  Plato,  but  I  .  .  .  I
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