Page 242 - The Midnight Library
P. 242

                around and the river just behind, refracting light, she  mar velled at it as if she

                were seeing it for the first time. It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what
                you see.

                Driving    back   to   Cambridge     cocooned      in   her   expensive   Audi,   smelling
                almost    nauseatingly     of   vinyl   and   plastic   and   other   synthet ic   materials,

                weaving  through  busy  traffic,  the  cars  sliding  by  like  forgotten  lives,  she  was
                deeply  wishing  she  had  been  able  to  see  Mrs  Elm,  the  real  one,  before  she
                had  died.  It  would  have  been  good  to  have  one  last  game  of  chess  with  her
                before   she   passed    away.   And   she   thought    of   poor   Leo,   sat   in   a   small
                windowless  cell  at  a  Bedford  police  station,  waiting  for  Doreen  to  come  and

                collect him.
                   ‘ is  is  the  best  life,’  she  told  herself,  a  little  desperately  now.  ‘ is  is  the
                best  life.  I  am  staying  here.  is  is  the  life  for  me.  is  is  the  best  life.  is  is

                the best life.’
                   But she knew she didn’t have long.
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