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After 4 weeks I heard that immediately after the treatment started the sneezing diminished and the fluid coming out of his nostrils disappeared. For a long while the cat didn’t go out for a walk with the dog with the owner, but NOW he was doing that again within a week after the prescription started. So Bertje was feeling comfortable with everything.
Further update
In December the owner contacted me again (2nd consultation). The sneezing was reappearing. I changed a bit in frequency of the Arsenicum, added Arsenicum D200 into the old bottle with Arsenicum 200K and told the owner to give it once a week again.
I added another bottle with Silicea 200K to the prescription, a few drops to be given once a week.
Luchtweg compositum was added (changed the drainage towards another drainage which was deeper working on the airways).
I called the owner mid-January for an update. Bertje is doing fine at the moment and got better after the last change with the remedies. Also, the owner distributed notes in the neighbourhood not to give Bertje food, because she thought it was not good for the cat. She thought it would also improve when the cat didn’t get other food than the usual (which I think could also be the case here that could influence his immune system), so “Food for thought”.

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