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  The Periodic Table Horse – A Case of Ferrum by Geoff Johnson
Duie is 6-year-old Connemara pony. He regularly suffers from 'tying up' after exercise. Also known as azoturia or rhabdomyolysis. This is an equine metabolism problem occurring during or after exercise, resulting in cramping of the muscles of the back and hindquarters. The muscles contract and then do not relax. It can be extremely painful and is treated acutely with NSAIDs.
These are the words of Duie's owner:
'My son is a great rider, but I feel Duie is too much for him. Duie cannot slow down. He is blocky, stiff, congested and solid. If he relaxed, he would be amazing.
He must go FORWARD (emphasis) or he gets frustrated. He is like a tank and just walks through people. He is impatient and will run himself to exhaustion, not through panic but frustration.
He has a balled-up energy – a heavy energy – power.
He is so capable and brave – and it’s like he feels safer when he goes forward.
He resists being told what to do. He is an engine – a powerful machine.'
I prescribed Ferrum 1M twice daily for two days.
I explain this prescription by looking at the owner’s words again. The words and concepts are explained by Jan Scholten in his book 'Elements'. The rubrics are taken from Synthesis Adonis version.
Duie cannot slow down – Ferrum is column 8 in the periodic table, where the experience is a lack of time, approaching deadlines.
He is blocky and solid – like iron?
Congested – Ferrum is in 26 rubrics for congestion,
including black type Generals-congested blood
He must go FORWARD – force, push, through are leading words of column 8
He is like a tank – a great analogy for Ferrum – an iron machine that is unstoppable. Another great image is the Testudo of the Roman Army.
Just walks through people – through, push, force.
Run himself to exhaustion – persevere, heavy, compress, pressure, struggle
Power – single remedy rubric; Mind – power sensation of
He feels safer when he goes forward – Ferrum is in fourth row of periodic table. The issue of this row is safety and security
He resists being told what to do – fight against resistance and black type rubric Mind – anger from contradiction
He is an engine – a powerful machine – what more can be said!
Ferrum is in the rubrics Extremities cramps legs, Generals Exertion physical agg (italics), and Generals pain muscle cramping.
3 months later
'Duie is much, much quieter. No longer stiff or blocky. Best of all he no longer ties up. He is so much steadier and chilled out. My son can unwind him easily now. He is quiet, soft and easily approached. Thank you.'

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