Page 2 - FALL Sojourner Newsletter-11202020
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2                                                                                            THE SOJOURNER

                             National President’s Message

                                   First  and  foremost,  thank  you  for   annual change of leadership in Chapters and Camps. Thank you
                              electing  me  your  National  President   all for your efforts which have truly been appreciated by all of
                              of this very special Masonic Order. It   your  national  leadership.  Pressing  forward  into  July  we  held  a
                              is  a  humbling  responsibility  and  one   national virtual awards presentation for all who would otherwise
                              that I have taken on with joy and with   have received awards at the Harrisburg ANC. Done with care and
                              goodwill in my heart. I firmly believe   dignity, it cemented the bonds of Fraternal Love and outreach for
                              that Freemasonry is a way of life. Its   so many deserving Sojourners and their spouses.
                              ritual  and  modes  of  meeting  and        The decision, sorely made, to convert the midwinter meeting
                              recognition  give  each  of  us  a  gift.   into a virtual training and support event was truly a hard decision.
                              That gift is the right to know that we   Scheduled for the evening of Friday, 8 January and the morning
        are good men trying to be better. Freemasonry is an individual   of Saturday, 9 January, we hope that it will renew your sense of
        journey of personal improvement supported by our  Lodges and   pride and honor in our Order, and help us all get through what
        Appendant Bodies, which are groups of Freemasons working to   looks like a continuing problem until a reasonably effective vac-
        support each other in the work of betterment.          cine can be approved, distributed and given to all of us.
             What a joy it is then that we have a second tie of brotherhood,        While  we  wait  for  normal  Masonic  processes  of  in  person
        not Masonic in fact, but very much in our deeds. We are, or have   meetings and appropriate travel and visitation to renew, I have a
        been, part of a band of brothers in the Armed Forces or the other   favor to ask. Could you talk with your Brothers, especially those
        Uniformed  Services,  bound  together  by  honor  and  courage,  in   who are Lodge Secretaries, Valley Secretaries and the like, and
        defense of this great American experiment in the right of liberty   ask them if they know anyone who is a Master Mason Veteran?
        we have been so very fortunate to experience as citizens.   Tell  him  that  we’d  like  to  introduce  ourselves,  as  the  Masonic
              National Sojourners is unique in Freemasonry, as the home of   Military Veterans’ Order in America, to that Brother Master Ma-
        those who have served in Uniform Services, and those very spe-  son Veteran so that he might learn of our existence and what we
        cial  Masonic  Brothers  who  have  become  Honorary  Members   do. Tell him simply that as one of the bands of brothers in Free-
        because of their deep love of the Craft, and the Nation State we   masonry, we’d like to reach out and let those that could be a part
        serve. As an Order, we know that we are all “still serving” in our   of us become aware of us.
        own individual way. So it has been challenging to face a disease        There  is  much  more  you  can  do  now,  if  you  like,  to  help
        with no known cure, in a time of travel and communications ca-  “Grow  the  Order  and  have  effective  generational  turn  over.”
        pabilities like  no time in  human  history. We know that  milling   Those  are  our  two  big  missions  this  year,  and  given  our  de-
        about in travel, or having that in person meeting, passes the con-  mographics, it’s fairly obvious why that is so. Many Lodges are
        tagion with merciless efficiency. When those political and social   beginning  to  meet,  administratively  using  teleconferencing,  and
        decisions were made to have us obey the constrictions placed on   some Grand Jurisdictions are having some tiled meetings follow-
        movement and meeting, it was hard on all of us. In an Order of   ing the strictures of “social distancing.” Any one of you could go
        about 8000, where over 5000 of us are aged 70 years or more, the   to such a meeting, virtually or in person where allowed, and offer
        fact  that  the  disease  targets  older  citizens  brutally  had  to  faced   the short and simple programs of honoring those that have served
        and dealt with.                                        in the Uniformed Services in the Lodge, along with your thanks
             So I am deeply impressed and humbled by the speed and ef-  and a Toast to the Flag.
        fectiveness that was shown in our Order’s pivot from traditional        We must grow now, in the middle of this pandemic, and we
        modes of meeting and travel to the virtual platform afforded us   must stay focused on that mission. Anything that you can do to
        by modern technology. It was really amazing to see you all doing   bring in new Active members is central to the future of National
        this  with  Masonic  love  and  understanding.  My  Grand  Master   Sojourners.  Let  me  thank  you  in  advance  for  giving  this  some
        recently noted that the Pandemic, if it hasn’t done anything else,   thought,  and  perhaps  some  personal  attention,  over  these  next
        has reminded us that nothing is for sure. Life holds no guarantees   several months.
        other than, as Bro. Franklin observed, “death and taxes.”        Hopefully we will have an in person Annual National Conven-
             So for me, this initial letter in our Sojourner Magazine to all of   tion in Milwaukee Wisconsin, 13 to 19 June 2021. We are cer-
        you  begins  first  with  my  sincere  thanks  for  holding  the  Order   tainly planning to do so. In our midrange assessments, we see that
        together during these times of serious health crisis. For Freema-  attendance at that  ANC could be both in person and by  virtual
        sonry those concerns forced us to meet as an Order by teleconfer-  means.  You  should  be  planning  and  thinking  about  how  you
        ence  and  phone  and  all  things  “distant.”  That  was  not  an  easy   might attend. We plan to survey as many of you as we can about
        thing for many of us to do. But you did it, and you keep doing it.   your choice of attendance in due course. As we have been forced
        Where Grand Jurisdictions keep you “locked down,” you obeyed   to realize, these next ten to twelve months will not be “normal” in
        in cheerful compliance with your Grand Master’s designs on his   the way we have conducted ourselves in the past. But we will try
        Trestle Board. Where we are hesitatingly “opening up” you have   and bring as much normalcy to the process as a pandemic, and all
        done so with care for the health of your Brothers and their fami-  that it has wrought, can allow.
        lies in mind.                                               Thank  you  for  your  patience  and  understanding.  We  stand
             We have learned a few things. You can cancel an Annual Na-  together, learn together and grow as Freemasons, in our goodness
        tional Convention  without freezing the Order in its tracks. You   and our love, as we do our Masonic work into the near future.
        can install a set of National Officers and Trustees virtually, with
        some grace and good will. That first effort had a steep learning  It is truly a privilege to serve you,
        curve, but with the help of so many, we got that done. Directing   Bob Roth
        all  of  you  to  do  your  nominations,  elections  and  installations,
        turned out to be the right decision, and it allowed our Order to    “Freemasonry First, Sojourners Always”
        have  the  regularity  and  Masonic  renewal  that  comes  from  the
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