Page 4 - FALL Sojourner Newsletter-11202020
P. 4
National Commander’s Message
My distinguished Brothers all: of the Heroes of 76. For those of you who have not seen my
Let me begin by thanking you for earlier Memorandum, I will succinctly summarize it here. The
elevating me to this position and the degree is not to be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
personal honor that I feel at having whether Zoom, WebEx or any other virtual format. Nor is it to
been chosen to represent you during be taped or otherwise recorded for future viewing by anyone. I
this most interesting time in our histo- hope this is clear enough to get the point across. As a further
ry. Many of the normal activities for point let me compare this to any of the Blue Lodge degrees,
the National Commander are on hold which cannot be taped, viewed virtually or reproduced in any
as various restrictions in our several other format. I refer you to the language of the Guardhouse lec-
States are preventing Regional Con- ture, identifying this Order as a Masonic Order and by extension
ference and Encampments with per- the same rules of secrecy apply to our degree work.
sonal activities. I am aware that some areas are able to conduct As the year progresses, I look forward to being able to visit
heroes degree work with a cadre of dedicated brothers. My hat is with some of you as Health Restrictions are modified by im-
off to you for your efforts. proving conditions. Until then please stay safe, and may the
Early in this Sojourner year a question was posed about the Great and Grand Commander of us all continue to Bless us and
possibility of having a virtual Heroes degree. I was faced with a the noble work of our Order.
difficult decision of how to balance the growth of our order and
preserve the integrity and unique experience of this degree. My Sincerely and Fraternally,
decision came down on the side of preservation of the traditions Martin D. Schwebel
Brother Sargent Florida Quality Control Chemist Other Masonic Honors and History:
Martin David Schwebel, • Hiram Walker Distillery Attorney at Law • Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons,
State of Florida Endowment and Investment
Former US Army • General Practice, Licensed in Florida, prac- Committee, 1997-2012, Panel of Attorneys
ticing 35 years
1992-1999, General Counsel 1998, Wills and
Personal: Born Youngstown, Ohio 1945. Military and Civilian Awards and Honors: Gifts 1988-1993,2001-2002,2009-2010.
• National Defense Service Medal • Eola Lodge 207 Past Master 1990 and 2008.
Military Career: • Vietnam Service Ribbon Secretary 2017 – present
• Drafted into the US Army, February 1969. • Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite: Past
Following basic training at Ft. Campbell, • Vietnam Campaign Ribbon Commander Council of Kadosh 1994, Past
Ky., assigned to on the job training at the Ft. • Sigma Xi National Research Honorary Venerable Master of Kadosh 2002, Almoner
Campbell Army Hospital as a Medical La- • Phi Sigma National Biology Honorary for all bodies 2005-present, President Scot-
boratory Specialist. National Sojourners: tish Rite Holding Corporation 10 years, In-
• Deployed to Vietnam in February 1970. • Joined National Sojourners in 2002, Served vested with Rank and Decoration Knight
Served as the Lab Technician at the 2nd Gen- as President of Seminole Chapter 373 in Commander Court of Honor 1987, Coroneted
eral Dispensary attached to the 90 Replace- 2007 and 2018 and Commander of Col. 33E Inspector General Honorary, Southern
ment Battalion at Long Binh, RVN. George F. Unmacht Camp in 2008. Jurisdiction 1993.
• Upon return in December 1970, transferred • Served as Commander of John Parker Camp • York Rite: Eureka Chapter number 5 Royal
to a Control Reserve Group for three years. and President of Saigon Chapter 409. Arch Masons Orlando Council No. 6 Royal
• 1974-1975 inactive reserve until separation • Served on NASOCOCO for 10 years, includ- and Select Masters
in February 1975. ing a seven year stint as President. • Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic
Shrine: Bahia Temple, Orlando, Fla., Presi-
Education & Training, Civilian Work Activity: • Served 9 years on the Committee of 33, sev- dent Past Masters Unit 1995, President Fish-
• Rayen High School, Youngstown, Oh., 1968 en of them as Vice Chair and was elected as ing Club 1986
an emeritus member in 2019. Currently the
• Bachelor of Science in Biology, Youngstown Chairman of Gifts and Bequests. • Order of the Amaranth: Served as Court Roy-
State University, 1968 • Member of Barrow Wheelers and an MIP al Patron six terms, Grand Royal Patron State
• Master of Science in Aquatic Biology, Texas member of Seminole 373, Brazos Valley 378, of Florida 2006-2007
A&M University 1973 Past Masters 997, Saigon 409, Chicago 998 • Order of the Eastern Star: Served as Worthy
• Juris Doctor, Nova Southeastern University 1983 and King’s Bay 563. Patron 8 terms Grand Chapter Legal Advisor
15 years
• Environmental Regulation, Orange County
In warm appreciation, we wish you
Seasons Greetings!