Page 9 - FALL Sojourner Newsletter-11202020
P. 9
Vol. 97 Iss. 4 9
Joseph M. K. Uhler, Goose Creek, South Carolina was awarded Third place. He received a $500 and a National Sojourners Plaque.
Charleston #28 sponsored the student.
A Pillar of Service
A hero; someone who sacrifices time, money, or health in order to ensure that someone else’s life is better. When describing his
“Thousands Points of Light”, President H.W. Bush emphasized the impact of everyday actions performed by everyday people.
Thinking about these two aspects together, my father, Mark Uhler, comes to mind. He has spent his life helping others and is an ex-
emplary example of both a hero and a Point of Light.
My father joined the Navy for service to the country, the comradery the crewmen have, and the challenges that are presented
along the way. Above all else, Uhler joined so that he could help others. That was and still is my father’s favorite part of the Navy,
feeling like he was making a difference with his contributions. While there were some things that he did not enjoy, as with any job,
my father would never trade his time in service. After his time in the Navy, my father took up a job as an engineer. He expressed
how different it felt and the overall unhappiness from sitting in a cubicle, rarely going out and not helping others like he had in the
Navy. At this time, he was also taking care of myself and my three siblings. He missed the challenges, the feeling that he was serving
something great, and the brother hood with his fellow servicemen. He also had the weight of fatherhood pressing down. My father
knew that this job wasn’t for him – he needed to go out and make a difference – so he took up nursing.
AS a nurse, my father’s hopes and excitement for the future rose each day. He was reminded why he signed up for the Navy
years prior; the challenge of every case being different; the comradery between each nurse, and most of all, the service he was doing
for his community. As a nurse, my father is able to meet his patients face to face. He felt that spark of compassion reignite stronger
than ever and that helped him both as a nurse and a father. Now working for a hospice program, my father is able to help out not only
the patients, but lso the family, through one of the most trying times of their lives. He can sit down, speak, and comfort the family
and patient, so that they may enjoy the time they have left together, the job still comes with its ups and downs, but so long as he can
ease the pain of his patients, giving them the peace they deserve, then every day is a good day.
I aspire to one day find the job that fits me as well as nursing does for my father. Everyday he goes out visiting patients, he teach-
es me a lesson that embodies the pillars that the Points of Light represents. So long as you are helping one person, you are making a
difference. And that difference will undoubtedly change the world for the better.
Former National Secretary’s Ramblings
How quickly 6 years and nine months go Bro. Randy Geck, with whom I share a Throughout this time, I remained active in
by. I have had a great experience working number of associations. Bro Randy was a my primary chapter, Old Dominion #364
here. The best part of the job has been all significant help in moving the Headquar- and we continued to host Light Horse Har-
of my fellow Sojourners that I have met ters and although not directly a function of ry Lee Camp meetings here at National
and come to know while I have been in Headquarters, he has done a great job over Headquarters. I am a member of and will
this position. I have served seven National the years as our Area Representative and attend from time to time all the chapters in
Presidents, each unique in their own way. I the coordinator and leader of FACE. This the Northern Virginia-Maryland area. I
supported six National Conventions and THE SOJOURNER is the voice of Nation- will not be a stranger to National Sojourn-
Mid-Winter Meetings. Under my watch al Sojourners to all our members and I ers. While there are many aspects of this
we went through the ordeal of moving the hope as editor I have helped it speak to office I will miss, what I will miss the
National Headquarters from our beloved each of you. I have tried to do the best I most the daily contact with Janine and
home at Collingwood to the new space at could along with the phenomenal support Heather. Our lunch time discussions were
Cluny Court. We celebrated the move with and artistic talents of Ladies Janine and most interesting. Janine always said she
an Open House that brought many mem- Heather. Without them THE SOJOURN- promised Bro. Nelson that she would stay
bers to see our new offices. Over those ER would not be the effective publication I until I learned the job and I always said,
years I have had the task of writing obits believe it is. Brother Nelson Newcombe I’m a slow learner and I still have much to
for some truly remarkable men. Men like was in this position for over one third of learn. Despite the many challenges I threw
Bro. Folsom and Bro. Dietscher who made the history of National Sojourners and her way she has prevailed and will contin-
great contributions to National Sojourners passed along to me all that he could. I sa- ue to be the repository of much of the his-
and left a deep impression on me. It would lute him for having done a great job all tory and background of National Sojourn-
be impossible to thank all those who have those years. Every person to hold a new ers in support of the new National Secre-
helped me throughout the time I spent here position makes changes. Many of the hand tary. Bottom line, it’s been a great 6 years
without incurring extra pages to this edi- written records Bro. Nelson kept I convert- and 9 months thanks to all the great people
tion. I must however thank Bro. Harry ed to being done on the computer, which I in and around National Sojourners. But
Sanders who first asked me if I was inter- thought was somehow more efficient. Bro. although I am giving up being National
ested in pursuing this position. He has Mark following me will make his own Secretary, I will always be a National So-
been there to support me throughout my changes as he feels our methods can be journer.
time in office. Additionally I want to thank improved and I am sure he is right. —William Sanner