Page 7 - FALL Sojourner Newsletter-11202020
P. 7

Vol. 97 Iss. 4                                                                                            7

         the best interest of the membership and the Order.
           Announced that on 23 May, 2020, our National Heroes of ’76   Annual National Encampment
         conducted their nomination, elections and installation of Nation-       Heroes of ’76
         al Heroes line officers, virtually. He introduced National Com-
         mander Martin Schwebel, and asked if he had any remarks. Bro   Bro. Henry Kuhn called the National Encampment to order at
         Schwebel expressed his gratitude and gave some short remarks   1500 Hours on May 23, 2020, and proceeded to open the En-
         which were well received by all.                        campment in due form. He related his experiences traveling
           At their special instance and request, that it was his privilege   throughout the year and thanked the Bros. for their support and
         to install all of our National Trustees. All have agreed to remain   warm welcomes at the various Encampments. Bro. Kuhn
         as Trustees and serve through this year. Bro Winton Hewitt was   moved that his report be accepted, it was seconded and ap-
         installed  as  Chairman  of  the  Board  of  Trustees.  Vice-Chair  is   proved. The Nominating Committee recommended :
         Bro  Bob  McConnell  and  Secretary  is  Bro  Merlen  Howe.  The    Commander Martin D. Schwebel
         following also agreed to stay on as Trustees – Bros Harry Sand-      Chief of Staff Paul Pennybacker
         ers, Keye Perry, Bill Turner, Jim Baker, Tom Kuhn and Wendall     Assist. Chief of Staff Randolph F. Geck
         Dutt. IM proclaimed it so.                                         Officer of the Day Brian C. Coffey.
           Informed the Sojourners that “the Trustees voted to adopt the   There being no further nominations they were elected. The
         Budget, assuming it would be approved by the convention dele-  following officers were appointed:
         gates in Harrisburg. In the usual course, the delegates assembled   Senior Lieutenant Paul DeMerath
         in  the  National  Convention  would  have  approved  that  budget.   Junior Lieutenant Peter G Cauchon
         Since that didn’t happen, but we do need an approved budget, I     Commander of Guard John J. Hillyer
         will, as National President, pursuant to NR 4.3, and specifically       Sentinel Louis Numkin
         on  behalf  of  the  membership  of  National  Sojourners,  approve   Adjutant Mark W. Underwood
         the Budget on their behalf, effective this 6  day of June 2020.”   Judge Advocate Benjamin M. Yudesis
           Announced the retirement of NST Bill Sanner, and the wel-          Chaplain R. Thomas Davies, III
         coming  of  his  successor.  He  thanked  Bro  Sanner  for  his  time   Surgeon Bernard N. Harris
         and efforts. He welcomed Bro Mark Underwood and by Admin-  Bro. J. J. Brown served as installing officer and conducted the
         istrative Order, appointed him Acting National Secretary Treas-  ceremony of Installation of the elected and appointed officers.
         urer for National Sojourners, Inc. for the ensuing year.   Following remarks from the Past National Commander and the
           Bro Roth, NP, then turned the meeting over to National Chap-  National Commander The Annual National Encampment was
         lain Thom Davies for a brief and highly appropriate memorial   closed.  This meeting was conducted virtually.
         service, being mindful that “we are doing this work on the 76                     William Sanner, Adjutant
         anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy”. After the Me-
         morial Service and observing a moment of silence, Bro Davies
         concluded with a prayer.                                       Americanism Committee
           Bro Roth, NP, thanked everyone for joining the virtual ses-
         sion and allowing the Order to get on with its work, effectively         July Report
         and virtually. He further stated “We can hope that social interac-
         tion, in person, will be allowed soon so that we can get back to        Brethren,  normally  I  would  be  writing  this  article  talking
         the regular business of our Chapters, plan for an MWM that is   about this years Spirit of America Youth Leadership Confer-
         focused on the work of the Order, and an ANC in Milwaukee   ence,  “Freedom’s Foundation at Valley Forge” PA. Unfortu-
         that  will  have both good  work and exceptional reunion activi-  nately,  the  COVID  19  pandemic  put  an  end  to  this  year’s
         ties. Now, let us begin our journey through this new Sojourner   event.    For  those  of  you  who  have  never  been  to  FFVF  I
         year  working  together  in  support  of  our  Purposes.  Thank  you   thought I would describe the facilities so that you can better
         again  for  this  opportunity  to  be  of  service  to  you  all  as  your   understand  our  concerns  and  why  the  executive  committee
         Chief Executive Officer and National President. Remember our   recommended cancelling for this year.  The classes are held in
         precept this year; “Freemasonry First, Sojourners always,” and   a classroom environment where there is at least seventy-five
         our two key missions, growth of the Order and effective genera-  people present.  Likewise, the meals are served in a cafeteria
         tional turn over”.                                      with again at least seventy-five people present. Additionally,
          Our National President asked the National Chaplain, Bro. Tom   at least one third or more of the students must fly into Phila-
         Davies,  to  lead  us  in  a  closing  prayer.  After  the  prayer,  Bro.   delphia airport to attend.  So, there would be no social distanc-
         Roth concluded the virtual meeting by announcing “This session   ing provisions and such that needs to be practiced preventing
         of the National Sojourners National Meeting is closed.  Sincere-  the spread of CODIV 19 among those present.
         ly  and  fraternally,  good  day  to  all  of  you”.  [Bro.  Bill  Hickey        I now  want to let  you  know of some GREAT news con-
         then terminated the ZOOM session at 1630 EDT]           cerning our 2021 ESSAY contest.  The prize awards have been
                                                                 increased to $3,000.00 for 1  prize; $2,000.00 for 2  prize and
                                                                 $1,000.00  for  3   prize.    I  want  to  THANK  our  trustees  for
                                                                 their approval.  As always, the 2021 Essay contest approved
                                                                 form  and  chapter  instructions  are  posted  on  the  web  in  the
                                                                 Americanism main section
                                                                      The ROTC/JROTC medals. From what I have heard from
                         We deeply apologize for the incorrect   various Chapters, they have been delivering the medals to the
                         picture for Clarence Nelson in the last   appropriate school instructors for presentation at the appropri-
                         issue of The Sojourner.                 ate allowed time frame.  Hopefully all our Chapters have been
                                                                 able to do this.                 Paul Pennybacker, Chairman
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