Page 15 - Sojourner Newsletter-Fall
P. 15

Vol. 98 Iss. 4                                                                                          15

          CAMP NEWS

          ALAMO CAMP (Ft Sam Houston #17). A raw recruit by the name of Christopher L. Ortiz, was officially
        made a Hero on 29 September 2021. The members of the camp had reported that there was an unshaven, bloody
        figure lurking around the camp area shabbily dressed and using a crutch, but they could not figure out what it
        was. They could not decide if it was big foot or a shaggy bear looking for some food. It was finally decided that
        the subject  was  trying to enter the  camp.  Whoever it was  made many attempts  at  gaining admission to  the
        Camp, and the camp became concerned. They finally cornered it and as it turned out it was the named individu-
        al  above.  He  was  placed  in  the  guardhouse  awaiting  interrogation.  He  was  shabbily  dressed  and  had  been
        wounded with blood on his arms and head. He barely made it into the camp to be interrogated because he only
        had one crutch. He was placed before the Commander, who went ahead to examine him to see what his inten-
        sions were. He could not answer the Commander’s questions but after many attempts seemed to compose him-
        self to produce some of the answers. This resulted in him feeling the Big “D” numerous times and finally, due
        to the temperature, was able to answer his interrogators. After giving his heroic deed and answering numerous
        questions a vote was taken and finally the votes confirmed his heroic deed. Brother Ortiz is a dedicated Mason,
        recently elected to Junior Deacon in his Lodge, and served his country in the USMC. He will be a fine addition
        to Alamo Camp.

          GREAT SALT LAKE CAMP (Salt Lake #114). Our members conducted a courtesy initiation ceremony for
        General John C. Robinson Camp (William A. Powell, Sr., #556) on Sunday, 18 July 2021 at Gateway Lodge
        #29 in Clearfield, Utah. The purpose of this Bivouac/Encampment was to initiate Rekruit Timothy L. Stenner,
        the Secretary, and also to thereafter enable Gen. Robinson Camp to perform their own bivouacs. The Charter
        for Gen. Robinson Camp was granted previously but the COVID pandemic delayed most activities until now.

          The Rekruit was totally confused and amazed by all the proceedings and required multiple journeys across the
        “D” but eventually came to his senses and was accepted into the Camp as a member, albeit a sorry specimen,
        indeed. Hopefully, in due time he will acquire the knowledge and acumen to become a true asset of some value
        but there are those among us who remain skeptical. Following the initiation ceremonies, Bro. Albert H. Hokins,
        PP, was presented with a Presidential Citation from Bro. Robert W. Roth, PNP, for his outstanding services to
        our  organization  throughout  the  period  leading  up  to,  during,  and  following  the  recently  completed  Annual
        National Convention.
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