Page 10 - Sojourner Newsletter-Fall
P. 10

10                                                                                           THE SOJOURNER

                                                           BRAZOS  VALLEY  #  378,  Col.  Henry  C.  Hill, Secre-
                                                           tary. On July 4, 2021, Bros. Laurence Potts, Robert Co-
                                                           hen, Clyde Collins, and Henry Hill raised the flag at the
                                                           annual Fourth of July Celebration at Heritage Park in Bry-
                                                           an, Texas. Bros. Potts, Cohen and Collins raised the flag
                                                           while  Bro.  Hill  led  those  in  attendance  in  the  Pledge  of
                                                           Allegiance.  Bro.  Hill  also  gave  the  "Toast  to  the
                                                           Flag".  (left)
                                                           On August 5, 2021, Bro. Laurence Potts presided over the
                                                           monthly chapter meeting. Bro. Henry Hill gave the "Toast
                                                           to the Flag". Bro. Russ Ford, Brazos County Commission,
                                                           Precinct  2,  gave  an  update  on  activities  of  interest  in
                                                           Brazos County. He emphasized a special need, that of the
                                                           importance of creating a mental health unit that would be-
                                                           come  involved  when  the  Sheriff's  Department  was  con-
                                                           fronted with a situation involving an individual with men-
                                                           tal  health  issues.  Such  a  unit  previously  existed  in  the
                                                           county but was closed, leaving a void in the community.
                                                           Plans to create a new mental health unit are under consid-
                                                           eration. The meeting was closed in prayer by the Chaplain,
                                                           Bro. Clyde Collins.

         KNICKERBOCKER – WEST POINT #13, LTC Jack H. Moore, Secretary. On Sunday, 29 August 2021,
        Sojourners, and fellow Masons from West Point Masonic Lodge #877 gathered for their annual summer picnic
        at the Round Pond Recreational Area on the West Point Military Reservation. With temperatures in the mid
        70’s the weather was perfect for a picnic and outdoor gathering. A moment of silence was held for recently de-
        parted Bro. Ronald Steiner, a lifelong Sojourner and pillar of our Chapter. Throughout the afternoon, brothers
        and family members gathered for burgers, Italian sausages, and hot dogs, as well as enjoying a “well stocked”
        dessert table. Additionally, Bro. Moore brought clams from Long Island to cook on the grill with several dozen
        extra for the “seafood lovers” to take home for chowder & baked clams. Several brothers and children also tried
        their luck at fishing as well as renting paddle boats for a cruise on the lake. A great time was had by all. The
        next gathering of our Sojourner Chapter is planned for Sunday, 21 November. We will meet at Trophy Point on
        West Point for a meeting, luncheon, and follow-on Heroes Degree.
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