Page 8 - Sojourner Newsletter-Fall
P. 8

8                                                                                            THE SOJOURNER

          CHAPTER NEWS

         FT. LEE – RICHMOND #72, CPT John J. McClelland, Secretary. We mounted up for the first time in fif-
         teen months on July 7  and hit the road running by installing two new Sojourners, Bros. Ben Clark, and Bill
                                                                               Sirman.  The  Sojourners  wore  their
                                                                               Heroes uniforms in observance of the
                                                                               celebration  of  our  Country’s  Inde-
                                                                               pendence.  Planning  for  a  Bivouac
                                                                               has begun!
                                                                               Pictured (left) are Bros. Bobby Bry-
                                                                               ant, Clint Hues, John Howerton, Ben
                                                                               Clark, Joe Westfall, Bill Sirman, Jeff
                                                                               McClelland,  and  MW  Fred  Martin
                                                                               who  attended  the  meeting  held  at
                                                                               “Martha’s  Kitchen”.  The  restaurant
                                                                               in named in honor of our Country’s
                                                                               first First Lady, Martha Washington,
                                                                               who was born in New Kent County,
                                                                               Virginia  where  the  restaurant  is  lo-
                                                                               cated. Also, in attendance were four
                                                                               “Camp  Followers”,  Ladies Pat  Mar-
                                                                               tin,  Pam  McClelland,  Beth  Hower-
                                                                               ton, and Linda Bryant.

         ARKANSAS POST #551, SGM Randy L. George, Secre-
         tary.  The  Chapter  conducted  a  Flag  event  at  Washington
         Lodge No. 1, Fayetteville, Arkansas in which we presented
         Flags to the Lodge for their new flagpole installation. Also,
         the Chapter donated a check for $1000.00 to the Lodge to be
         used  for  their  Helping  Hands  Projects  during  this  time  of
         need. Money will go
         to help families need-
         ing financial assistant
         with  food,  rent,  and
         utility bills.
          Sojourners      Past
         President     Rocky
         Dunlap  and  2   Vice
         President  Stu  Staple-
         ton  presenting  the
         flags. (right)
          Bro.  Wade  Thar-
         rington    presenting
         the  Check  for  $1000
         to  J.  L.  Freeman,
         Secretary  of  Wash-
         ington  Lodge  No.  1.
         (far right)
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