Page 3 - Sojourner Newsletter-Fall
P. 3

Vol. 98 Iss. 4                                                                                            3

                           TRAVELS OF THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT

          The National President on one of his ventures on 16 October 2021 was at Charly Long’s Farm in the North
         Georgia town of Ranger, Ga. He was attending the 8th Annual Barn Degree hosted by was Frank Baker Lodge
         No. 46 of Savannah. The Lodge was opened by the Deputy Grand Master of Georgia, RW (Rev.) Don Combs,
         a Past Master of Frank Baker No. 46. The Degree team from did an outstanding job of raising a new Master
         Mason. (L-r: National President Wayne Barnes, RW(Rev.) Don Combs, Deputy Grand Master of Georgia, our
         new Master Mason Brian Paulk of Ocilla Lodge No. 134. Most Worshipful Brother Jan Giddens, Grand Mas-
         ter of Masons in Georgia, and WB Brian Coffey, First Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of Georgia, and Na-
         tional Assistant Chief of Staff HEROES of 76).

                                                                                     On  a  visit  to  Chapter  435  in
                                                                                     Jacksonville    Florida,  NP
                                                                                     Barnes was ask to fill in for the
                                                                                     guest speaker.  He spoke on his
                                                                                     goals and objectives as well as
                                                                                     the state of the Sojourners and
                                                                                     the  progress  that  is  been  ac-
                                                                                     complished by the Commission
                                                                                     on  the  Constriction  and  By-
                                                                                     Laws,  The  National  Secretary
                                                                                     and Web Master regarding up-
                                                                                     dates and progress on the Web-
                                                                                     site and Staff Directory as well
                                                                                     as  the  operation  of  our  Head-
                                                                                     quarters. Pictures L-r:  National
                                                                                     President  Presenting  the  So-
                                                                                     journer  Achievement  Coin.
                                                                                     Brothers  John  Hillyer  AR,
                                                                                     Wayne  Barnes  NP,  and  John
                                                                                     Page President of Chapter 435.
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