Page 2 - Sojourner Newsletter-Fall
P. 2

2                                                                                            THE SOJOURNER

                                 NATIONAL PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE

                              My Brothers,

                              It looks like we are off to a good start in this new Sojourner year. As your President I set
                              a goal for 800 new Members and 1000 multiple MIPs. In the first three months of this
                              year we have initiated 96 new members and have re-enlisted 151 multiple MIPs.  Keep
                              up the good work!

                              Get into your local lodges and spread the word as we have hundreds of potential So-
                              journers waiting for you to tell them about National Sojourners and who are and who are
                              willing to join our ranks. All they need is some information and an application form.
                              Remember to always carry a form with you when you visit a local Masonic body.

         The Constitutional Commission has been appointed and they are hard at work reviewing our current Regula-
         tions, Circulars and By-Laws and writing a new Construction and By-Laws. Their mission is to present their
         draft documents at the Mid-Winter Meeting at Baton Rouge, LA. They won’t be brought to vote until our next
         Annual National Convention next June.  Your elected line Officers have been active with visits to your Chap-
         ters, Camps and other activities promoting National Sojourners.  I started the year by attending The Freedoms
         Foundation at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.  What an outstanding experience for me but more especially for our
         youth. This event is one that each of us should attend at least once to witness what they are teaching our young
         men and women about our great nation and its singular freedoms, most of which are not seen in many coun-
         tries in the world and is most often not taught to them in public school. I want to thank each of our Chapters
         who gave these youth an opportunity to attend.  I want to challenge ALL of our Chapters to sponsor at least
         one young person in their area to attend this coming year. Let’s work hard as a national organization to send
         100 youth next year. Our thanks go out to Monterey Bay Chapter No. 136 for sponsoring 3 youth from Cali-
         fornia, Quantico Chapter No. 44 for their continued support for providing a number of youths each year, and
         the North Carolina Chapters for their continued support by providing two van loads each year. I was invited to
         and attended the 2021 Annual session of the Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, held in Cleveland
         Ohio. I was recognized as a distinguished guest by the Sovereign Grand Commander, David Glattly, 33  De-
         gree, as a Distinguished Guest. It was a great week with many activities, which ended with their general Ses-
         sion and conferral of the 33  Degree

         I attended the cornerstone laying of the new Savannah, Georgia Scottish Rite building, where II was asked to
         give “The Toast to the Flag”. The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Georgia as well as the Sovereign Grand
         Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Illustrious Brother James D.
         Cole were also in attendance.  I have attended and given “The Toast to the Flag” at several functions, both Ma-
         sonic and Civic. One of those was a meeting of four blue lodges (where nine lodges were represented) who
         annually hold a joint communication. In addition to the toast, I presented a short talk about Sojourners.

         Never forget that you are a TEAM MEMBER.  Think SOJOURNER, attend your lodge and other nearby Ma-
         sonic bodies, carry an application, and recruit new members.


         Wayne Barnes
         National President
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