Page 7 - Sojourner Newsletter-Fall
P. 7

Vol. 98 Iss. 4                                                                                            7

                                   Heroes of ‘76 Centennial Celebration

          Heroes ’76 and Camp Followers,

          We have been working diligently preparing for the Heroes of’76 Centennial Celebration. I trust that you read
        my Summer 2021 article rolling this all out, giving you an overview of what to expect. I will now give you
        some much-needed particulars that you can use as you plan your Centennial activities.

          The first  and  foremost item is  the  “Tool Kit”  that  our Centennial  Committee is  putting together for  you.
        When completed, it will be posted on the NSI Website inside the “News and Events” page which is listed on
        the “Heroes of ’76 Centennial Celebration” page. This valuable document will walk you through all the neces-
        sary information you need, to include what the Celebration is all about, suggested activities, requirements to
        earn recognition as a Centennial Hero, Centennial Camp and Centennial Chapter and distinctive recognition
        items. For instance, a Centennial Hero can acquire a very special James Madison Rosette to wear on his Tri-
        corn, while the Centennial Camp will receive an “antique” Sojourners ribbon for each participating Hero, and
        both the Chapter and Camp will receive a very special Streamer to place on their flags. We will be offering
        several collector’s items for those participating in Centennial Festivities and are also selling a unique com-
        memorative Centennial Coin -- make sure you get yours. Every Hero who participates in any National, Area,
        Region or special Chapter/Camp Centennial event will receive a special Centennial Pin and may purchase a
        Commemorative Patch. Every Lady who participates in these events will receive a Lady’s Pin or Camp Fol-
        lower’s Charm. The Tool Kit will also outline opportunities to honor our Founders, renew our Commitment,
        Serve our Parent Order, and yes, to have fun along the way.

          The key to success is planning, followed by preparation and participation. A key factor will be hosting and
        supporting Area Conferences and Encampments (AC&E)! It is our Goal to have AC&Es in every Area to bring
        the Celebration to every Hero, Camp, and Chapter. If there is not an AC&E planned in your Area, reach out to
        your respective Area/Regional Representative or me and we will be happy to help you make one a reality. But
        you need to think and act now to put together a new AC&E next year to be successful.

          Together we can make our Heroes of ’76 Centennial Year so very enjoyable and fruitful. A Centennial Chap-
        ter/Camp Coordinator is essential to success. Appoint one now and start your planning now so you won’t miss
        out on any part of this grand celebration!

          We will provide a Centennial Briefing and the Tool Kit at the upcoming Mid-Winter Meeting (MWM) in Ba-
        ton Rouge, LA in January 2022. I HIGHLY encourage Heroes to attend the MWM to get all of this infor-
        mation first-hand, to ask questions and get answers. This Heroes of ’76 Centennial promises to be historical
        and you will want to be part of it from the beginning in June 2022 in Atlanta, GA to the COL Christopher Van
        Deventer Bennington Banquet in Harrisburg, PA in June 2023.

            Randy Geck
           National Chief of Staff


                             On page 10 of the Summer 2021 issue, Michael E. Warren (GA) (2023)
                           was erroneously listed in the Committee of 33.  The correct name is Mi-
                           chael J. Warren (AZ) (2023)
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