Page 9 - Sojourner Newsletter-Fall
P. 9

Vol. 98 Iss. 4                                                                                            9

         HARRISBURG #76, LTC Thomas E. Gordon, Secretary. Bro. Dave Ball, President, called the 09 Septem-
         ber 2021 meeting to order in due form at the Scottish Rite Cathedral, in Harrisburg, PA at 1900 hrs after an en-
         joyable dinner and conversation. There were 62 members and 6 guests in attendance. One member was watch-
         ing on Zoom. Bro. Ben Hoenich, 1  Vice President presented the “Toast to the Flag” in excellent fashion.  This
         meeting was special for Chapter No. 76, as we were honoring our first national winner in the Essay Contest!
         Mr. Brodie Evans, who placed second in our local contest, placed third in the national contest. He received
         checks for $150 and $1000 respectively. Brodie is a 10  grade student at nearby Cedar Cliff High School and
         is a member of the JROTC. He was accompanied by his father Scott, who is a U.S. Army veteran, and his
         younger brother Dominick. His JROTC instructors, Col. Joseph Diminick, and First Sgt. Michael Sullivan,
         both U.S Army, Retired, were in attendance as our guests. Col. Diminick's son Aaron was the First-place win-
         ner in our Essay Contest in 2020. Sadly, we were not able to honor Aaron and the other winners at a meeting,
         as the Chapter was dark due to the pandemic.
         Bro. Glenn Kurzenknabe, Past President and Essay Contest Chairman explained the details and background of
         the Essay Contest and introduced Brodie and his guests to the membership. Brodie then presented his essay to
         the group, which was received enthusiastically. Bro. Glenn presented Brodie with a plaque recognizing his
         achievement. The Chapter then conducted its regular business meeting at which time Bros. Robert Kline and
         Jacob Otto, both U.S. Army, were duly initiated as new members of National Sojourners and Harrisburg Chap-
         ter No. 76. A petition was read from one potential new member who will be initiated at a later date. Bro. Ball
         called on various committee representatives for their reports. The Chapter is again working with the staff and
         residents of the Masonic Village in Elizabethtown, PA to plan and execute a public Veterans Day program on
         11 November. Also, Chapter No. 76 will install the display of 7,000+ American flags under the expert direction
         of Bro. Tom Campbell on the grounds of the Masonic Village to recognize those lost in the War on Terror since
         September 11, 2001. Both of these efforts were sadly curtailed during the pandemic. Chaplain Bro. Mike Cole
         announced the passing of Bros. Alvin Goodman, Raymond Hutter, Frederick Hansen and John Tumolo, Jr.
         since the Chapter last met. A prayer remembering the anniversary of September 11 was offered by Bro. Mike
         Cole. Bro. Bryan Hill, York Camp Commander, Heroes of ‘76 announced that they will hold a bivouac on 23
         September at 1800 hrs for the purpose of initiating a new member. The Chapter was closed in harmony by Bro.
         Ball at 2050 hrs. Our next meeting will be on 14 October 2021 at the same location.

         L-r: First Sgt. Mike Sullivan, Bro. Glenn Kurzenknabe, Past President/Essay Chairman, Brodie Evans, Bro.
         Dave Ball, Pres., Colonel Joe Diminick. Prepared by Bro. Glenn R. Kurzenknabe, PP.
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