Page 25 - Sojourner Newsletter-Spring 2023 v.3
P. 25

Volume 100, Issue 2                                                                                     25

          RESOLUTION 2023-08

             Whereas the National Sojourners Convention Corporation was established at the 52  National Convention
        held  in  El  Paso,  TX,  21-24  June  1972  and  then  incorporated  in  the  District  of  Columbia  as  a  non-profit
        organization on 10 February 1973 and then incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia on 10 December
             Whereas  its  purpose  was  to  plan,  program  and  manage  a  quality  National  Convention  or  Mid-Winter
        Meeting at the lowest practical cost.
             Whereas, at the January 2023 Mid-Winter Meeting held in Raleigh, NC the Board of Directors voted to dis-
        incorporate  NASOCOCO  and  create  a  Time  and  Place  Committee  to  continue  the  processes  of  the
             Therefore be it resolved that NASOCOCO be dis-incorporated, that a National Sojourners “Time and Place
        Committee” be established, and that the National Constitution and Bylaws be amended to effect this change.

          RESOLUTION 2023-09

             Whereas Technology has vastly improved and evolved over the past 100 years.
             Whereas communications capabilities have become significantly more rapid and secure.
             Whereas problem solving techniques have improved and been overcome by time and technology.
             Whereas the requirements that originally demanded a large, dedicated Committee to provide assistance and
        guidance to the Leadership of the Organization no longer pertain,
             Therefore be it resolved that the Committee of 33 is no longer required in its current configuration and is
        hereby dissolved, and
             Further, let it be resolved that the National Constitution and Bylaws be amended to effect this change.

          RESOLUTION 2023-10

             Whereas the National Constitution and Bylaws direct that the National Secretary-Treasurer (NS-T) and the
        Resolutions Committee forward copies of all proposed Resolutions to the Committee of 33 and whereas the
        Committee of 33 is the principal advisory body to the National President and the Order and whereas it is not an
        approving or disapproving authority and whereas the Committee of 33 should not be required to advise on the
        acceptability of proposed  Resolutions, as that responsibility rests solely with the Resolutions Committee and
        the National Judge Advocate, and whereas the Resolutions Committee has a required time frame within which
        to  process,  review  and  make  proper  distribution  of  those  Resolutions  and  whereas  this  action  cannot  be
        accomplished in a timely manner when 33 additional persons are required to offer opinion thereof,

             Therefore  be  it  resolved  that  ARTICLE  VI,  Section  6,  subparagraph  a.9  of  the  National  Bylaws  be
        amended by removing the words “and the Committee of 33”. Be it further resolved that paragraph b., Section
        15, ARTICLE VI of the National Bylaws, be amended by removing the sentence starting on line 11 which
        reads  “The  Committee  of  33  must  review  all  Resolutions  to  be  presented  to  the  National  Convention,
        recommend approval or disapproval of each Resolution based on the best interests of National Sojourners®,
        and  provide  a  rationale  for  the  same  to  the  Resolutions  Committee  for  consideration  by  the  National
        Convention”, and therefore let it further be resolved that subparagraph 8b, Section 15, ARTICLE VIII of the
        National Bylaws be removed in its entirety and all subsequent subparagraphs be renumbered 8 through 12,
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