Page 26 - Sojourner Newsletter-Summer 2023 Final
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GULF 3 REGIONAL CONFERENCE AND ENCAMPMENT, Dave Alderfer, Regional Representative.
The second annual G3RCE was held on January 27-28, 2023, at the Pensacola Masonic Center in Pensacola,
FL. The weekend started out with an informal gathering of a dozen Sojourners and their ladies on Friday
evening at a local restaurant for fellowship and a good meal. On Saturday morning, 23 Heroes assembled to
conduct the Encampment where they initiated Rekruits Robert Anderson, Lexington Camp (5 Flags of
Pensacola Chapter #460) and Robert Hourtz into Raphael Semmes Camp (Baldwin County Chapter# 531).
There were over a dozen camp and chapter charters present, including South Mississippi #171 (Major
Raymond Mannoni Camp) from the Gulf 3 Region. After an informal lunch the conference portion included a
presentation by the 2022-2023 National 2nd Vice President, Brother Dave Mahoney and the National
Commander, Brother Randy Geck who provided a detailed description of the events planned for the 100th
Anniversary of the founding of Heroes of ’76, the Centennial Toolkit, which is available for everyone’s use,
and the awards that can be earned during the year. Brother Geck then presented Patriot of ’76 Awards to
Brothers Ken Eichorn and James Draeving from Lexington Camp as well as TO Conney O’Brien and Earl
Richardson from Raphael Semmes Camp. Gulf 3 Regional Representative Brother Dave Alderfer gave a
review of this year’s chapter and camp activities as well as future regional and national events. The day
concluded with the Bennington Banquet
during which our National Den Mother,
Lady Carol Geck with the assistance of
Camp Followers Linda Hillyer, Shirley
Mahoney and Nancy Bryan Patrick
initiated Karin Marshal (Lexington
Camp) as new Camp Follower. The 3rd
Annual G3RCE is scheduled for 27
January 2024.
Heroes assembled for the G3RCE Encampment
Camp Followers at G3RCE Bennington Banquet