Page 24 - Sojourner Newsletter-Summer 2023 Final
P. 24
Brian Coffey, National Chief of Staff
The Fifth Annual Georgia Area Conference and into our Order. The character of the Recruit was
Encampment (GACE) was a resounding success loudly brought into question, but after a few trips to
due to the hard work of the Committee of Brethren the “D”, refutation of charges and a LOT of
and Ladies from Hunter Chapter #502 and Ft. “assistance” from the National Heroes and
Stewart Chapter #396, the Host Chapters. GACE Sojourners Officers in attendance, the
was held at the Valley of Savannah Scottish Rite investigations were completed satisfactorily, and
Center, a beautiful, state of the art facility. We the Recruit was found worthy. Brother David
were honored to have National President, Denny Leonard, General Oglethorpe Camp (162) was
Norris, National Commander Randy Geck and cheerfully admitted to the Heroes of ’76.
Lady Carol in attendance as well as National Third Commander Jackson then closed the Encampment
Vice President, PNC Paul Pennybacker, PNP/PNC so we could all rest in preparation for the evening’s
Bill Turner, LOH and Grand Dame Patti, PNP festivities.
Wayne Barnes, National Chief of Staff Brian
Coffey and Grand Dame Wendy, National At 1700 hours we reassembled in colonial attire
Chaplain, Thom Davies and Lady Diane, National for a social hour preceding the Bennington Banquet
Photographer & National Musician, Jarrod Coffey, honoring National Commander Geck, which began
National Senior Lieutenant, John Hillyer and Lady at 1800. National Photographer Jarrod Coffey set
Linda, and National Commander of the Guard up his equipment and took portraits of Brethren and
Frank Ortiz. their Ladies in their fineries. We began the evening
with a prayer, and all participated in the Pledge of
On Friday night we enjoyed good fellowship and Allegiance to the Flag of our Country. The Toast to
education as we toured the Mighty Eighth Air the Flag presented by PNP Barnes. AR Coursey
Force Museum. What a wonderful experience! introduced dignitaries. After we enjoyed a delicious
Saturday morning came early as we munched on dinner and fellowship, National Den Mother Carol
donuts and shared stories over coffee while some Geck conducted a Camp Followers degree with
of the Chapter members slaved over the help from Grand Dame Patti Turner, Grand Dame
Registration table. Wendy Coffey, Lady Nancy Pennybacker, Lady
Linda Hillyer, Lady Debbie Coursey, and Lady
Area Representative Roger Coursey opened the
Conference with introductions and the Chapter Kelli Pierson. Two new Camp Followers were
Presidents, or their representatives, provided a added to the ranks. Following the Camp Followers
brief report on their Chapter and Camp activities. Degree gifts were presented to National
AR Coursey then provided training followed by Commander Geck and Lady Carol and National
remarks by our National President Norris and President Norris. NC Geck then presented awards
National Commander Geck. to deserving Brothers and Ladies. The assembled
Heroes and Camp Followers participated in a
Following a traditional Masonic lunch of hotdogs Rededication Ceremony for the Heroes of ’76
and chips, Commander Joey Jackson opened an Centennial and NC Geck and NP Norris cut the
Encampment of Georgia Hussars Camp (502) and cake for all of us to enjoy. A special presentation
MG Samuel Elbert Camp (396) to welcome the was made by members of the 160th Special
visiting National Commander. The Camp was Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) on their
almost immediately interrupted by a commotion history and mission. These young men are an
outside the Sentry Post. When sent to investigate, inspiration to us all. Our Brother National
the Officer of the Day reported that a known Commander, Randy Geck discussed the Centennial
rapscallion was attempting to gain access to our Heroes programs and gave comments of
camp. The Commander immediately ordered that encouragement for the assembled Heroes and
the infiltrator be brought before the assembled Ladies. Remarks were then made by National
Heroes to determine if he was worthy of entrance President, Brother Denny Norris. Results of the