Page 23 - Sojourner Newsletter-Winter 2024 FINALv2
P. 23

Volume 101, Issue 1                                                                                     23

          KINGS  MOUNTAIN  CAMP,  John  Sevier  Chapter  #548  (Dan Rancourt, Secretary)   The  Heroes  of
         Kings Mountain Camp of the John Sevier Chapter conducted a Building The Flag program for the Nathaniel
         Greene Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) at the Poinsett
         Club  in  Greenville, South Carolina on October  5, 2023 during that organization’s  luncheon meeting.  The
         Pledge of Allegiance and Toast To the Flag were presented by Brother Guy Palmer and the narration was
         conducted  by  Brother  Bob  Griffin.    The  flag  building  assistants  were  Brothers  Ed  Pool,  Ronnie  “Pickle”
         Richards, Jim Turner and Dan Rancourt. The program was very well received by the DAR chapter members
         who really appreciated the Heroes in colonial uniforms!

                     Bro. Bob Griffin                               Heroes Building the Flag .

          CARL  SITTER  CAMP,  Shenandoah  Valley  Chapter  543
         (Tom Anderson, Secretary) On November 6, 2023, Heroes of ’76
         from Carl L. Sitter Camp presented the “Fold A Flag” program to
         the  Lions  Club  of  Woodstock,  Virginia.  Chaplain  Robert  Cairns
         narrated the presentation and Camp Followers Wanda Lawson and
         Irene  Mertens  folded  flag.  After  a  lovely  meal  at  6  p.m.,  the
         program opened with the history of the proper way the flag should
         be flown and when. Various bugle calls used in the military were
         explained and played for the group. The ladies then folded the flag,
         with the explanation of and meaning of each of the 13 folds.
                                                                                 (L-r) Wanda Lawson, Irene Mertens
          Once the flag was folded, they then showed how to properly hold
         and present the folded flag, and that the triangular shape is often
         compared to the shape of the tricorn headwear worn during the mid
         -1700’s at the time of the Revolutionary War.

          Following this was a recorded narration by well-known and well-
         loved  comedian  and  actor,  Bro.  Red  Skelton,  from  one  of  his
         television shows back in the 1950’s. It was his “take” as a teacher
         explaining to his students the meaning of each word or phrase in
         the Pledge of Allegiance. It’s message is as timely today as it was
         75 years ago. The Club truly gave us a sincere round of applause
         and many thanks for our presentation.

                                                                                  The Ladies with Bro. Robert Cairns
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