Page 226 - Fighting Fit: Boxing, Workouts, Techniques, and Sparring
P. 226

In Fighting Fit, basics are reviewed in detail and pieced together in a
        drilling program that develops the complete boxer. The major skills —
        punches, defensive moves and footwork — are honed and correlated
                                                 through heavy bag drilling,
         Developing                              controlled partner drills and
                                                 situational sparring.
         the Complete                            Boxing skills have never
                                                 been illustrated (over 450
         Boxer                                   photos) and cataloged any
                                                 better, anywhere outside of
                                                 the gym. It’s all here for the
                                                 serious student — whether
                                                 you’re in it for the sport or
                                                 the fitness or both

                                                 Alan Lachica is a certifie
                                                 USA Amateur Boxing
                                                 coach, the former owner
                                                 and operator of Cross
                                                 Boxing in San Diego and a
                                                 former amateur boxer ---
                                                 winning over 90% of his
                                                 competitive bouts. His box-
                                                 ing exhibitions have been
                                                 featured on local and
                                                 national television broad-
                                                 casts including Eye on
                                                 America (CBS News).

                                                 Doug Werner and Start-Up
                                                 Sports teamed with
                     “Start-Up Sports tackles    Lachica to produce the
                     the hottest sports.         quintessential boxing guide
                     Forthright. Simple.”        for people serious about
                               — BOOKLIST        increasing their boxing skill
                                                 and f tness levels.

        Start-Up Sports has been featured on
        CNN and acclaimed in major national       ISBN 1-884654-02-9
        publications including Golf, Surfer,                      51195>
        Skiing, Library Journal and Booklist.
        Start-UpSports                ®

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