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Section 8. The College of Business, Accountancy and Public

  Administration (CBAPA)

          The College of Business, Accountancy and Public

  Administration shall be at the Echague Campus. The College shall

  develop highly trained accountants, managers, entrepreneurs and

  public administrators both in the graduate and undergraduate levels

  whose technical expertise is needed for business, economics, and

  industrial development. The Dean shall be responsible for

  the implementation of all courses offered in the college. Associate

  Deans or Program Chairs maybe designated as the head of the

  unit/college offering Accountancy, Management, Business and

  Public Administration in other campuses. The Dean supervises all

  the academic departments in the college.

          The CBAPA shall develop professionals with training in the

  fields of accountancy, business, public administration, management

  and        marketing,          entrepreneurship,             and        Hotel,       Restaurant

  and Tourism Management.

  Section 16. ETTEAP.

   The Extended Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation
  Program is a comprehensive program of identifying, assessing,

  validating, and assigning equivalent college-level learning for prior
  learning from formal, non-formal and informal training and relevant

  work experiences toward the final granting of appropriate academic
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