P. 34

By establishing equivalency competence standards and a

   comprehensive assessment                         system employing written tests,

   interview,           skills       demonstration               and         other          creative

   assessment methodologies, deputized higher education institutions

   may administer competency-based evaluation.

  Section 17. The Office of Student Services. This office shall be
   headed by a University Director and shall consist of the following

   sections, namely: (1) Student Services (2) Library (3) Socio-cultural
   Affairs (4) Sports.

  1) The Student Services shall implement all programs and activities

  such as counseling,                 placement, student organization, housing,

  publication, scholarship, and other services                             related to student


  2) The Library Services shall be headed by the University Librarian

      who shall be responsible in formulating and executing a well-

      organized and directed program for the Library. It shall constitute

      two operating sections, namely; 1) Readers Section which is

      composed of serials, circulation, references and reserves and 2)

      Technical Services Section, which shall be in charge of book

      selection and acquisitions, maintenance and                               organization of
      library collection.
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