P. 31
Section 2.Administrative Council (AdCo) and the University
Academic Council (UACo).
Administrative Council (AdCo) and the University Academic
Council are both chaired by the University President. The members
of the AdCo are the Vice Presidents, the Directors of the university
under their supervision; the Executive Officers/Administrators of
campuses; Deans and Associate Deans; Directors in the campus
level; and other officials of equal rank.
The AdCo shall review and recommend accordingly to the BOR
appropriate policies governing the administration, management and
development planning of the University.
The members of the University Academic Council (UACo) are
faculty members with the rank of assistant professor to university
professor. The council shall have the power to prescribe
academic rules, recommend curricular offerings/revisions and
candidates for graduation for approval by the Board of Regents.
Section 3. Established centers covered with MOA/MOU shall be
attached to the Office of the President.