P. 83

⮚ The University Student Manual contains policies and guidelines

  on the following aspects:

  ∙ Admission and retention policies (regular students, transferees,

  course shifters and returning students)

  ∙ Registration procedures

  ∙ School fees

  ∙ Students’ academic loading

  ∙ Residence, coursework, scholastic and graduation

  requirements ∙ Examination and grading system

  ∙ Dropping and adding of subjects

  ∙ Scholarships/grant

  ∙ Code of conduct/discipline


          The University admits or re-admits students who meet the

   admission requirements. The University implements open admission
   to all new entrants (freshmen/transferee) except applicants for the

   Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Bachelor of Science in
   Accountancy who shall satisfy the basic requirements for enrollment

   in these programs.

          Except transferee students from within the system, freshmen

   and new entrants must take the University Admission Test.
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