Page 136 - Qld Range Book August 2022
P. 136

SIENA FOODS  P T Y   L T D                                        ACN 064 527 251   ABN 16 064 527 251
                                           Adelaide   11 - 13 Opala Street,  Regency Park, South Australia  5010  Australia

                                            Brisbane  14/65 Christensen Road, Stapylton,  Queensland  4207  Australia

                        Phone: (08)  8243 0233                                                     Fax: (08)  8243 1744
                        International Phone:  + 61 8 8243 0233                            International Fax:  + 61 8 8243 1744
                        Email:                                     Internet:
                        I M P O R T E R S                  D I S T R I B U T O R S                  P R O D U C E R S

                         Fetta Cheese Range

            A creamier and smoother variant of the original Greek Feta cheese,
            Danish Feta (also called Danish White) is made from cow's milk. Though it isn't authentic, the Danish type
            of feta wins heart over with its mild flavour and ability to be cubed and sliced without crumbling. Danish Feta
            is well suited for salads and can also be served grilled.

            Traditional Greek feta is made with at least 70% sheep's milk, with goat's milk often making up the other
            30%. The flavour is salty and tangy, the texture dry and crumbly. When CHOICE taste tested feta cheese a
            few years back, the 'Greek-style' feta rated highest

                    CODE       SIZE                     DESCRIPTION                   GST   QTY    PRICE

                    19016      13kg               BELLA AUSTRALIAN FETA               NIL    1    $135.00
                    19022      16kg              DANISH FETTA CHEESE TIN              NIL    1    $79.20

                                  ‘ w e   p u t   f 	 a v   u r   i     y   u r     i t c h e   ’
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