Page 9 - OneFord_Brand_Design_System
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HCD process to date

       Identify Themes                                                                   Generate Ideas
       and Insights                                                                      and Prototypes

          Identify Key Insights                                                              Global Poster
          Brand Design                                                                       Exploration
          Creative Brief                                                                     Identify and Ideate
                                                                                             Around Key Design

                                                                                             Explore Brand Identity
                                                     IMAGINE                                 and Visual Language
                                                                                             Establish Look,
                                                                                             Tone and Feel of
                                                                                             Visual Language

                                      Identify Themes        Generate Ideas                  Finalize Core
                                        and Insights         and Prototypes                  Identity Elements
                                                                                             Launch Brand
                                                                                             Design Council
                                                    Frame the
                                                      Central                                Cross-Agency
                                                     Question                                Collaboration

                                      Gather Research       Test and Refine
                                       and Inspiration         Concepts

       Gather Research                                                                   Test and Refine
       and Inspiration                                                                   Concepts

          Discovery Phase                                Launch                              In Progress:
          Know Context                                                                       Consumer Testing

          Stakeholder Interviews                                                             and Optimization
          Visual Audit                                                                       In Progress:
                                                                                             Brand Guidelines
          Brand Resource
          Site Exploration                                                                   Kick-Off September:
                                                                                             Brand Resource Site

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