Page 35 - Science in Africa
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Professor  Edison  Muzenda

                    rofessor  Edison  Muzenda  is  a
                    full  professor  of  chemical  and  Turning waste into
                    energy  engineering  and  head
                    of  the  department  of  chemical,
           He  is  also  a  visiting  professor  in  the  ENERGY
                    materials  and  metallurgical
          Pengineering  at  the  Botswana
          International  University  of  Science  and
          department  of  chemical  engineering  at  the
          University  of  Johannesburg  in  South  Africa.
           He  was  previously  a  full  professor  of   He  is  a  recipient  of  several  awards  and   including  the  Institute  of  Chemical
          chemical  engineering  and  research  and   scholarships  for  academic  excellence.  His   Engineers  (UK),  the  South  African  Institute
          postgraduate  coordinator,  as  well  as  head  of   research  interests  are  in  bioenergy   of  Chemical  Engineers,  and  the
          the  environmental  and  process  systems   engineering,  sustainable  and  social   International  Society  for  Development  and
          engineering  and  bioenergy  research  groups   engineering,  integrated  waste  management,   Sustainability.
          at  the  University  of  Johannesburg.  air  pollution  and  separation  processes,   His  current  research  activities  are
           Professor  Muzenda  was  also  chair  of  the  as  well  as  phase  equilibrium   mainly  focused  on  waste-to-energy
          Process,  Energy  Environment  Technology   measurement  and  computation.    projects,  particularly  biowaste-to-
          Station  management  committee  at  the   He  has  contributed  to  more  than  energy  for  vehicular  application  in
          University  of  Johannesburg.       320  international  peer-reviewed  and    collaboration  with  the  South  African
           Professor  Muzenda  holds  a  BSc  (Hons)   refereed  scientific  articles  in  the   National  Energy  Development
          (Zimbabwe)  and  PhD  (Birmingham,  UK).  He   form  of  journals,             Institute  and  City  of  Johannesburg,
          has  more  than  18  years’  experience  in   conferences  books  and              as  well  as  waste-tyre  and
          academia,  which  he  gained  at  various   book  chapters.  He  has                 plastics  utilisation  for  fuels
          institutions,  including  the  National   supervised  more  than                     and  valuable  chemicals  in
          University  of  Science  and  Technology   30  postgraduate                            collaboration  with  the
          (Zimbabwe),  University  of  Birmingham,   students  and  more                          Recycling  and  Economic
          University  of  the  Witwatersrand  (South   than  260  honours                          Development  Initiative
          Africa),  the  University  of  South  Africa,  the   and  BTech  research                 of  South  Africa.
          University  of  Johannesburg  and  the   students.  He  serves                              He  is  a  member  of
          Botswana  International  University  of   as  reviewer  for  a                            the  South  African
          Science  and  Technology.           number  of  reputable                                 government’s
           Professor  Muzenda’s  teaching  interests  and  international                            ministerial  advisory
          expertise  are  in  unit  operations,  multistage   conferences  and                     council  on  energy  and
          separation  processes,  environmental   journals.                                       steering  committee  of
          engineering,  chemical  engineering   He  is  a  member  of                            the  City  of  Johannesburg
          thermodynamics,  professional  engineering   several  academic  and                     on  the  University  of
          skills,  research  methodology,  as  well  as  process   scientific                     Johannesburg  Biogas
          economics,  management  and  optimisation.   organisations,                             Digester  Project.
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