Page 39 - Science in Africa
P. 39
Professor Opha Dube
pha Pauline Dube is an
associate professor in the Fired up for our
department of environmental
science at the University of
Botswana with a PhD from
Othe University of Queensland CLIMATE
in Australia.
She is one of the African scientists who
pioneered global environmental change (GEC)
science initiatives in Africa, extending her
influence to the international arena through Network (SAFNet), that grew between 2000 International Council for Science’s Natural
working with international networks such as and 2007 to encompass fire scientists, and Human-induced Environmental Hazards
the International Geosphere Biosphere students, consultants, government and Disasters science plan that culminated in
Programme (IGBP), the Global Systems for representatives and nongovernmental a decade-long international programme on
Research and Training (START) and Global organisations, reaching out to policy-makers, Integrated Research on Disaster Risk, now
Observation for Forest Cover and Land the private sector and communities while at hosted in Beijing, China.
Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD). She is the founder the same time maintaining strong She has also contributed
and current chair of the Botswana Global linkages at international level. significantly in the field of climate
Environmental Change Committee (BGCC) SAFNet significantly enriched change. She was a visiting
that has, since 1993, served to build fire management in Botswana research fellow at the National
awareness and motivate research in and over the Southern African Climate Change Adaptation
environmental change, including climate Development Community Research Facility at Griffith
change. (SADC) region and became a University in Australia in 2012.
BGCC hosted Africa-wide START GEC model network for setting up She is a member of the
initiatives, including large international science similar networks in west Africa Scientific Advisory Committee of
campaigns such as the SAFARI2000. During and Asia, including Australia. the Climate Research for
her term as one of the vice-chairs of IGBP, She was engaged to lead the fire- Development (CR4D) Africa where,
Dube led the IGBP’s second synthesis theme service capacity-building component of among others, she facilitated the first
on GEC and least developed countries (LDCs). the African Monitoring of Environment for CR4D southern Africa regional workshop in
This gave her the opportunity to work sustainable Development (AMESD) SADC Gaborone, Botswana, in May 2016, and was
with the Asia-Pacific Network for Global THEMA where she produced audio fire tasked with drafting the CR4D White Paper
Change Research (APN) to enhance capacity training material that can be used worldwide. on the 20C Africa2020 Assessment
among the Southeast Asia LDCs scientists. She also attracted funding for a fire-field Framework.
While working with START and GOFC- satellite-receiving station, the first of its kind In Botswana she is the vice-chair of the
GOLD, she was able to turn what was purely to be installed in Botswana for research and multisectoral Botswana National Climate
a satellite validation exercise into a fully teaching. Committee, providing a direct gateway for
fledged network, the Southern Africa Fire She contributed in drafting the her experience to have a nationwide impact.