Page 40 - Science in Africa
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Call for Session Proposals
SFSA2017, Pretoria, 7-8 December 2017
1. Background to SFSA2017 1. “Shaping Humanity” – the focus in this track will be on
how social sciences shape our human experiences and
Building on the momentum and the conversations established with behaviours to improve the quality for all human beings, and
SFSA2015 and SFSA2016, the Department of Science and the world we live in, including a better understanding of what
Technology is proud to support the Science Forum South Africa is required to uplift people in a sustainable manner.
2017 (SFSA2017). The event will take place on 7-8 December 2017
at the CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria, the same 2. “Preparing people for the knowledge economy” – the
venue as the two previous events. focus in this track will be on the attitudes, education,
experience, and abilities required individually and collectively
SFSA2017 will again provide the opportunity for all interested to succeed in the knowledge economy, with a specific focus
parties to Ignite Conversations about Science. The 2017 event will on achieving gender and racial balance in an optimal
continue to focus on the Science, Technology, and Innovation on functioning system of innovation.
the African Continent and will expand the Pan-Africa scientific
participation. SFSA2017 will emphasise Innovation for Inclusive 3. “Open science and open innovation for Africa's
Development. development”– the focus in this track will be on what the
impact will be on Africa's development if there was a
2. Strategic Objectives of SFSA concerted drive to intensity collaboration among all
stakeholders in the scientific and innovation enterprise,
including through the enhanced dissemination and sharing of
The strategic objectives of SFSA are:
research results to maximise impact.
1. To stimulate a vibrant debate on the role of science,
technology and innovation in society;
4. “Science transforming society” – the focus in this track
2. To promote international science, technology and innovation
will be on how science, technology and innovation is changing
partnerships; and
society, how is it contributing to the improvement of the
3. To create a network platform for key science, technology and quality of living of all citizens and how we ensure ethical
innovation actors, including senior government leaders,
considerations are addressed and science-driven
academics, scientists, industry, civil society, and students.
development is equitable and sustainable.
To achieve these objectives SFSA2017 will focus on:
1. A provocative and stimulating programme including several
5. “A Better World” – the focus in this track will be on the
parallel sessions and talks, with the primary aim to ignite
sustainable solutions science, technology and innovation can
conversations about science;
provide to global challenges like poverty, inequality, inclusive
2. A rich diversity of participants, comprising scientists, students,
development and a secure society, with an emphasis on the
public and private sector representatives as well as civil
value of enhanced international collaboration in addressing
society members;
these shared global challenges.
3. Strong international participation, especially from Africa.
6. “Innovation shaping the industry of tomorrow” – the
3. Focus and Themes for SFSA2017 focus in this track will be on how the exponential pace of
progress in science, technology and innovation is disrupting
SFSA2017 will, as indicated above, emphasise Pan-African Science, every industry in every country and how the so-called
Technology and Innovation, as well as Innovation for Inclusive “fourth industrial revolution” will fundamentally alter the
Development. The following themes will provide the framework way we live, work, and relate to one another.
for session allocation: