Page 13 - july-august 2020
P. 13
such work before the retailer has a chance Shutoff Valve! If this valve is turned off for any
to do so, and that otherwise the retailer is not reason, the National Fuel Gas Code (NFPA 54)
responsible for a subsequent accident The requires a leak check of the system serviced
latter statement could be drafted to track by the container at the time the valve is turned
the language of the statute and therefore back on The leak check must be conducted
undercut any argument that the consumer was by a qualified service technician Do Not
somehow mislead by what was said Finally, Attempt To Open The Valve Yourself! Failure
while emails and texts that request service to follow this warning may result in the ignition
described in the statute have readily available of leaking gas, causing serious and potentially
information to identify the customer and when fatal injury, fire, or explosion
notice was given, the same information should If the prescribed label is present on the
be generated in writing during any phone call tank and the gas supply is turned on prior to a
or in-person encounter in order to satisfy the leak test performed by a technician approved
statute’s record keeping requirement by the gas provider, then the gas provider
Nebraska’s immunity statute adopts a is not liable if a subsequent injury or death is
different approach and is applicable only caused by the negligence of persons other
if there has been an interruption in service, than the gas provider Neb Code 57-517(6)
defined as the gas supply being turned off Presumably the tank and label would still be
Neb Code 57-517(3)(a) The statute requires present after an accident; however, a large
that the gas provider affix a warning label near fire or catastrophic loss could result in the label
the tank shutoff that includes a reference to not being visible One way to deal with that
Section 57-517 as well as the following:
WARNING: Do Not Open Container continued on page 14...
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13 Alabama Propane Gas Association | July / August 2020