Page 4 - sept-oct 2018
P. 4

word from the president

              n my first address, I’d like to offer my thanks    program which will begin in October  Beyond
              and gratitude to the nominating committee          water heaters, logs, and new service outlets,
              and the APGA board for allowing me the             we will also offer rebates on stoves and clothes
           I opportunity to serve as your 2018 / 2019            dryers  Be sure to avail yourselves of these
            President  I count it an honor                       opportunities
                 As we prepare for the heating season,                A scheduling conflict occurred which
            I trust summer fill programs are under way,          caused a change in the dates for the 2019
            equipment maintenance has been addressed,            Alabama/Louisiana
            product and supplies have been sourced and           Summer Convention  The
            all personnel have been properly trained             convention will now be
            Proper training and well thought out and             held June 16-18, 2019
            implemented preparation can guide us                 in Pensacola Beach,
            through any situation or obstacle that may           FL  Please mark your
            present itself                                       calendars and plan to
                 The recent committee meetings                   attend
            of August 9 were extremely productive                     I encourage each
            with excellent participation  We set the             of you to attend
            educational course schedule that will include        committee and board          uRick Fosteru
            a couple of new items  Those will be Active          meetings  This is your
            Shooter Training and Reasonable Suspicion            association, and we welcome all of your
            Training  We also laid the plans for our rebate      concerns and comments
                                                                                        In closing, I have
                                                                                      one final thought
                        Looking for a reliable,                                       compassion  Let’s
                                                                                      remember and pay
                    customized supply plan?                                           attention to our elderly
                                                                                      as we go about our daily
                                                                                      routines  At times, we
                  Crestwood’s experienced NGL professionals can help you create a     may be the only person
                  reliable, yet flexible supply plan from the Dixie Pipeline or Hattiesburg.
                                                                                      they have contact with
                  Want to know more???                                                all week  So, take five
                  Call Max Johnson today to see how Crestwood can help you with index
                  pricing agreements, fixed price and option hedges or our transportation   minutes, bring in the
                  and storage capabilities.                                           garbage can, get the
                                                                                      mail, drink that cup of
                  Max Johnson  |  Supply/Asset Manager-Southeast
                                                 coffee or glass of iced
                  D: (816) 329.5316                                                   tea  Let them know you
                  C: (913) 972.5721                                                   care, they’ll remember
                  ICE ID: mjohnson31
                                                                                      you for it
                                                                                        1 Corinthians 15:1-4■

     4                                  Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  September / October 2018
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