Page 7 - sept-oct 2018
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LP gas board | comments & reviews
he Alabama LP-Gas Board held its regular 1 Settlement Agreement 2018-03;
quarterly meeting on July 03, 2018 The Violations – Failure to perform a visual
board held a public hearing to consider inspection on a cylinder prior to filling; Total
Tamendment of Alabama Administrative Fine $250
Code 530-X-2- 12 Checklist for Submitting Class 2 Settlement Agreement 2018-04;
A Permit in an effort to edit the regulation to Violations – Failure to remove a tank from a
agree with changes in the law that occurred lessee’s property within 90 days; Total Fine $773
in the 2014 legislative session The public ($1 per day)
hearing also covered adoption of Alabama 3 Settlement Agreement 2018-05;
Administrative Code 530-X-2- 17 LP Gas Fee Violations – Filling cylinders unsupervised
Rate which is nothing more than codification without an Employee Competency Card, Filling
of the fee rate as established by the board a 100 lb cylinder for transportation in a car;
Following the public hearing, the board Total Fine $1100
approved both measures as proposed 4 Settlement Agreement 2018-06;
The following permits were approved at Violations – Operating a cylinder dispenser
the meeting by the board: without a permit, Violation of a Red Tag; Total
1 East Energy LLC, Dublin, GA, Class B Fine $2000
Permit 5 Settlement Agreement 2018-07;
2 Ferrellgas dba Blue Rhino, Birmingham, Violations – Operating a cylinder dispenser
AL, Class B-1 Permit without a permit; Total Fine $1000
3 Brumback Restaurant Equipment, Inc , 6 Settlement Agreement 2018-08;
Decatur, AL, Class C Permit Violations – Filling cylinders unsupervised
4 Elite Plumbing & Gas LLC, Gardendale, without an Employee Competency Card,
AL, Class C Permit failure to use scales when filling, and filling a
5 Howse Heating & Air LLC, Addison, AL, cylinder overdue for requalification; Total Fine
Class C Permit $1375
6 Speedy Plumbing, Inc , Northport, AL, 7 Settlement Agreement 2018-10;
Class C Permit Violations – Filling a cylinder overdue for
7 Yellowhammer Propane Services LLC, requalification, failure to perform a visual
Winfield, AL, Class C Permit inspection before filling a cylinder; Total Fine
8 Yellowhammer RV LLC, Clanton, AL, $475
Class C Permit The Chairman appointed a Rules &
9 53 Farm & Hardware, Ardmore, AL, Regulation Committee to explore topics
Class F Permit related to cylinder sleeve issues and a review
10 Geneva Hardware Co , Inc , Geneva, of the Employee Competency regulation and
AL, Class F Permit implementation to date The next regular
11 Majors-Morrison Enterprises LLC, quarterly meeting of the Alabama LP-Gas
Marion, AL, Class F Permit Board is October 11, 2018 at 10:00 a m at the
12 Tractor Supply Co #1767, Fayette, AL, AUM Center for Lifelong Learning located at 75
Class F Permit TechnaCenter Drive, Montgomery, AL 36117
13 Wesco Gas & Welding Supply, Inc , You are invited and encouraged to attend
Pennington, AL, Class F-1 Permit We remind you to visit our website at www
The board approved the following lpgb alabama gov as a valuable source of
Settlement Agreements for code violations: current information from the board.■
7 Alabama Propane Gas Association | September / October 2018