Page 10 - sept-oct 2018
P. 10
2018-2019 Board of Directors
APGA/LPGA Convention
What A GREAT Time Was Had By All
he 2018 APGA/LPGA er” training for all convention Monday afternoon, several
Summer Convention was attendees The APGA Board of us attempted to snorkel;
held July 8-10 at the meeting followed The Board however, the jellyfish helped
TPerdido Beach Resort in meeting consisted of updates us decide differently!! So we
Orange Beach, AL We had from various committees on just enjoyed a relaxing Cata-
eighty-five (85) attendees. activities this past year At the maran ride
We started with the Wel- end of the meeting, the 2018- After enjoying dinner on their
come Reception which was 19 APGA Officers were elect- own, the attendees came
sponsored by both the Ala- ed and the Board installed back Monday night for the
bama and Louisiana Supplier The 2018-19 Board members popular Dessert Extravaganza
Funds Members from both are: President; Rick Foster; During the event, Chad Chav-
states enjoyed networking with Vice President: Tim Moore; ers presented Mark Denton
each other Treasurer: Bill Mayo; Secretary: with the Ralph N Rooney
Monday morning we had a Egan Ritch; Past President: Distinguished Services Award
joint session with NPGA Chair- Chad Chavers; NPGA State After that, the Scholarship Re-
man, Chris Earhart Wes Shep- Director: Andy Wise; Supplier verse Raffle and Silent Auction
pard with P-3 Propane Safety Rep: Debbie Cannon; North- were held We sold 110 tick-
provided a safety presentation east Director: Doug Rowan; ets at $50 per ticket The last
and Jack Clark, retired AL Southwest Director: Jesse Mor- ticket out was held by Steve
Dept of Public Safety Director, gan and Southeast Director: Sampson with CUI He won
presented an “Active Shoot- Ed Balkcom $1,000! Between the raffle
10 Alabama Propane Gas Association | September / October 2018