Page 11 - sept-oct 2018
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and auction proceeds, each        they had a great time              dress the part  The food was
            state raised $7,065 for their     We had a large group join us       great, the drinks were great
            scholarship program  A huge       on the beach for a full day of     and the music was fantastic
            thank you to everyone who         fun  There might have been           Once again,  we thoroughly
            participated!                     a couple of “friendly” games       enjoyed the two states com-
              Tuesday was a busy day   It     of corn hole and a few brave       ing together for the  joint con-
            started at 6:30 a m  with a       women rode “Big Pinky!” Lots       vention   We look forward to
            group heading out to sea for      of laughs had by all               next year which is scheduled
            a six hour deep sea fishing trip.     Tuesday evening was a blast    for June 16-18, 2019 at the
            They did quite well  A group      from the past   we were Groo-      Hilton at Pensacola Beach, FL
            of guys also headed to Craft      vin’ to the 70’s  As you can       Save the date and make plans
            Farms Golf Course for a hot       see from the pictures, we had      to be a part  of this wonderful
            morning of golf  Even though      many of our attendees who          networking opportunity.■
            there were only about twelve,     dared to go back in time and

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     11                                 Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  September / October 2018
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