Page 13 - jan-feb2021
P. 13

Mark Denton (Blossman Gas)... I will always re-     Jeff Gresham (Crum & Forster Insurance)... Bill
            member that boisterous laugh that was bigger        was a great friend  We have known each oth-
            than life, and I can tell you that you didn’t want   er through the propane industry for the last 30
            to do Yeager Meister’s with him because he          years  He was a family man, business man, sports-
            could go all night!  Bill was always having fun and   man and a good friend to our industry  I will miss
            he connected and engaged with everyone in the       his friendship and sense of humor  He enjoyed
            room!                                               life, loved his family dearly, and was a joy to be
                                                                around   God’s speed my friend!


                                                                Andy Wise (Thompson Gas)... Bill was a good
                                                                friend and always
                                                                brought laughter
                                                                to our Association
                                                                meetings  I always
                                                                looked forward to
                                                                our trips to D C for
                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                Propane Days as
                                                                it was a delight to
            Mark Nelson (Alabama LP Gas Board)... Bill Mont-    be around Bill at
            gomery was one of a kind   He and I have debat-     all times  I will sure-
            ed many issues, both in public and private, and     ly miss one of my
            he was one heck of an opponent   Sometimes          best friends in the
            he would bring me around to his way of thinking,    propane industry
            and sometimes I could win him over   My fondest
            memory of those debates is that Bill was always
            civil and open-minded   The reason he was so               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            intelligent was because he was open to differ-
            ent perspectives whether he agreed or not   He      Tom Cheatham (Leran/Home Depot Pro)... It was
            served faithfully on the Alabama LP Gas Board,      a pleasure to have known Bill all these many years
            and he provided much needed common sense            in the propane industry and to visit with him at
            and thoughtful insight to discussion   Oftentimes,   various industry meetings and functions  We cer-
            Bill was the first to alert me to new federal reg-  tainly enjoyed our business relationship, but all of
            ulations that were working their way down the       our conversations always began with family news
            pipeline   What                                     and sports  You can imagine all the fun we had
            was really fun                                      talking about the Auburn vs Georgia rivalry over
            was to get Bill                                     the years  As a Georgia fan, and in memory of Bill,
            Montgomery and                                      I’m proud to say “ War Eagle ”
            Charlie Vawter                                             Special love to the Montgomery family
            worked up about                                     and please know that you are in my daily prayers
            something and
            watch both faces                                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            turn beet red, and
            then watch them                                     Jerry Walker (Superior Gas)... I came to work for
            both laugh with                                     Superior Gas in December 1998  I met Bill shortly
            you when you revealed the truth   I suspect those   after. It did not take me long to find out what
            two are together now, and they can be heard         kind of a person and man he was  One of the
            from a great distance with their uproarious laugh-  enjoyable things about working for Bill was he saw
            ter and storytelling   Rest in peace                things in black and white, never gray  No matter
                                                                which side you were on, you never had to won-
                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                der about him!

    13                                     Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  January / February 2021
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