Page 10 - nov-dec 2021
P. 10


                                  GENERATIONEXT PROPANE PROS

                         WORKFORCE RECRUITMENT

                        ne of our industry’s biggest challeng-  rate for veterans
                        es is an aging, declining workforce,           HVAC Trade School & CDL School Stu-
                        particularly in service  For decades    dents -Trade schools, CDL schools and adult
           Othe service technicians, installers and             education programs are turning out entry-level
            drivers has been our most important point of con-   energy professionals ready to take the next step
            tact when it comes to interacting with our cus-     by gaining hands-on experience  However, to
            tomers  Often times their role could be likened to   date, our industry has not initiated a concert-
            a first responder, endearing the industry and com-  ed effort to compete to get these resources
            pany to the consumer  It is clear that maintaining   Graduates of technical high schools, community
            this workforce is essential to increase the capacity   colleges, trade schools and CDL schools have
            to service our customers ’ equipment in the future   several choices beyond the propane industry,
            and to positively impact customer retention  Thus,   and many are not educated enough on the
            securing a new generation of service profession-    energy industry to select that path during the first
            als is not only important – it is critical          couple years of schooling
            A Solution
                   Veterans - While the unemployment rate       VETERAN AND STUDENT OUTREACH
            among veterans is trending in the right direction,         Veteran Outreach - Nobody can talk
            there are still way too many veterans coming        with a veteran better than a fellow veteran
            back from overseas without a job  Additionally,     Our expertise includes more than 30 years of
            the folks that served in previous wars continue to   experience in finding veterans employment in
            struggle to search for work  It is our duty to help   various industries  Our experience, network, and
            find jobs and work towards a 0% unemployment        know-how allow us to effectively communicate

    10                                Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  November / December 2021
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